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What is Nippon Kempo?

What is Nippon Kempo?

From a technical point of view, Nippon Kempo is a martial art system based on techniques of striking and kicking, ( atemi -waza ), blocking ( uke-waza ), throwing ( nage-waza ), reverse joint locks ( kansetsu-gyakutori-waza) and ground combat ( ne-waza ).

What is Kenpo Karate?

The introduction of a harness Kenpo style, was the real innovation (the precursor of all the various Kick boxing that came afterwards) This form of competitive Karate has proliferated in Japan, then spread around the world, thanks to teachers like Ryonosuke Mori. Over time, various styles of Kempo have developed.

What is Shorinji Kempo?

Shorinji Kempo is a Japanese martial art which is considered as a modified version of Shaolin Kung Fu. It was established in 1947 by Doshin So. The Kempo combines the Kata, principles from classical martial art, and training with bare hands, with a kind of sport fighting with protections.

Who won the All Japan kenpo individual championship nine times?

There are Nippon Kempo clubs at universities all over the Japan, and is one activities of that can serve as basis for graduation. Shunji Matsunaga won the All Japan Kenpo Individual Championship nine times in a row from 1962 to 1970, and then won in 1975, holding the record for consecutive wins and the highest number of wins in history.