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How do I find my H2 URL?

How do I find my H2 URL?

Access the H2 Console You can access the console at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/h2-console/.

What is H2 console URL?

H2 database has an embedded GUI console for browsing the contents of a database and running SQL queries. Then, after starting the application, we can navigate to http://localhost:8080/h2-console, which will present us with a login page.

How do I connect to my H2?

To use it in embedded mode, you need to:

  1. Add the h2*. jar to the classpath (H2 does not have any dependencies)
  2. Use the JDBC driver class: org. h2. Driver.
  3. The database URL jdbc:h2:~/test opens the database test in your user home directory.
  4. A new database is automatically created.

How does play framework connect to MySQL database?

Most important things taken from @biesior answer:

  1. Add MySQL connector/J in project’s dependency (which is inside /project/Build. scala )
  2. After adding dependency, run play dependencies to resolve newly added MySQL connector/J dependency.
  3. Uncomment default ebean configuration line ebean. default=”models. *”

How do I open H2 in Chrome?

From the Menu panel, click Tools. Select H2 Console from the list to open a new page. Enter the connection information related to your database, and then click Connect.

What is JDBC URL in H2 database?

As per documentation, default JDBC connection string is jdbc:h2:~/test. And, for TCP connection jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test.

How do I read H2 database files?

Connect to the embedded H2 database using the H2 console Alternatively you can connect using the browser based H2 console. The easiest way to access the console is to double click the H2 database jar file at \confluence\WEB-INF\lib\h2-x.x.x.jar .

How do I open H2 DB in browser?

Accessing H2 Console. Start the spring boot application and access the console in the browser with this URL : http://localhost:8080/h2 . We can see the console like this. Now enter the configured username and password.

How do I use my H2 online?

To connect to the H2 console from Talend MDM Web User Interface, do the following:

  1. From the Menu panel, click Tools.
  2. Select H2 Console from the list to open a new page.
  3. Enter the connection information related to your database, and then click Connect. The H2 console opens with access to the MDM database.

How do I access my H2 remote database?

Follow the steps below to set up a Remote H2: database.

  1. Download and install the H2 database engine on your computer as follows.
  2. Go to the < H2_HOME>/bin/ directory and run the H2 network server starting script as follows, where < H2_HOME> is the H2 installation directory:

How do I enable remote database in H2?

“h2 database allow remote database creation” Code Answer’s

  1. spring. datasource. url=jdbc:h2:~/test.
  2. spring. datasource. driverClassName=org. h2. Driver.
  3. spring. datasource. username=sa.
  4. spring. datasource. password=
  5. spring. jpa. database-platform=org. hibernate. dialect. H2Dialect.

What is H2 in HTML?

Description. The HTML

tag defines the second level heading in the HTML document. This tag is also commonly referred to as the
