Common questions

Can you contact Reddit admins?

Can you contact Reddit admins?

If your question is not related to mod tools (and therefore not generally suitable for /r/ModSupport), you can contact us via If you do not see your issue listed in the report form, please write in to r/ modmail or use our contact form to submit a request.

How do I contact Reddit admins Shadowbanned?

You’re shadowbanned. The only thing that you can do is to message the admins using your shadowbanned account and patiently wait for a response. Politely ask them why you were shadowbanned. They don’t always respond to the first message so be mildly persistent but don’t message them more than once a day.

How do I contact the moderators on Reddit?

If you have questions for the moderators of a community, it’s best to contact them through Modmail instead of through a private message or chat. To send a message via Modmail on the web, click the message the moderators link under the moderators section on the right side of the community you’re visiting.

How can I get in contact with Reddit?

Reddit Customer Service Contacts

  1. Reddit Email Support.
  2. Reddit Live Chat Support. N/A.
  3. Reddit Call Center Support. N/A.
  4. Reddit Knowledge Base.
  5. Reddit Forum.

How do you get banned from Subreddits?

You can be banned at the subreddit or site-wide levels for spamming or for suspicious activity, even if it is well-intentioned. Depending on the type of ban you have received, contact the moderators of the subreddit or the admins to resolve the ban.

How do I find out who an admin is on Reddit?

How can I tell who’s a moderator, Reddit administrator, or the original poster on a comment thread?

  1. Moderators will have MOD or a shield icon next to their username.
  2. Reddit administrators will have ADMIN or a Reddit mascot (also known as Snoo) icon next to their username.

How can you tell if you have been Shadowbanned on Reddit?

To find out if you’re shadowbanned on Reddit, make a post in the r/ShadowBan subreddit. A bot will respond to you, letting you know if you’re shadowbanned. Even if you’re not, the bot will tell you which posts of yours have been removed recently (if any). You could also use a third-party tool, like Am I Shadowbanned?

What is shadow banning on Reddit?

Shadowbanning is one of the first few types of banning on Reddit. The tool was used by the platform to prevent people from using Reddit if they’re found to violate any of its rules. When you’re shadowbanned, only you and the moderator of the subreddit you’re posting on will be able to see your submitted post.

Can you get Shadowbanned on Reddit?

Shadowbanning is one of the first few types of banning on Reddit. When someone is shadowbanned on Reddit, their profile page and all of their submitted posts will only be visible to them when they’re logged into their account.

How do I report a community on Reddit?

How do I report a community?

  1. On the iOS or Android app or your device’s web browser, report a post by tapping the … menu on the post or comment then selecting Report.
  2. On the web, report a post by clicking the … menu on the post then selecting Report.

Who are the Reddit admins?

Reddit admins are employees of Reddit who could do any number of things including help keep the platform up and running, communicating changes, or enforcing Reddit’s rules and Content Policy.

How does Reddit detect evasion?

Reddit uses your IP address and your browser cookies among other things to create a “fingerprint,” which is how they recognize you’re the same person. If you were to change your IP with a VPN, you’d likely be connecting to an IP that has been cycled around and abused by others before.

How do I contact Reddit for support?

If you need to contact us on, please reach out via modmail. For advertising support please go here. Otherwise, please choose an option below for the fastest response time. What do you need assistance with? –

How do I report an issue on Reddit?

If you do not see your issue listed in the report form, please write in to r/ modmail or use our contact form to submit a request. usernames of any parties involved.

How do I advertise on Reddit?

Subscribe to /r/redditads to talk with other advertisers about advertising on reddit. Check out /r/ads to see the most popular image ads on reddit. Reach the reddit advertising team by filling out this form here. Learn more about advertising products and best practices at

Why do I need to contact /R/modsupport?

While not exhaustive, below are some examples of reasons you might need to contact us: issues that seriously impact your ability to moderate your community. If your question is not related to mod tools (and therefore not generally suitable for /r/ModSupport), you can contact us via