Common questions

What is a hoya rubra?

What is a hoya rubra?

Hoya is an evergreen climber suitable for the conservatory. Attractive foliage and waxy flowers which can be highly scented, make these plants popular with indoor growers. This variety has almost burgundy vines and the variegated leaves are dark green, with white and some pink in them. …

Do hoya plants like direct sunlight?

Most hoya plants prefer medium to bright, indirect light. Some do well with about two hours of direct sunlight in the morning or evening, but too much sun exposure may burn their leaves or turn them yellow.

How do you care for a rubra wax plant?

Water regularly with room-temperature water, spring through summer. Let the top layer of soil dry between watering. In the fall and winter growth naturally slows down and they won’t use as much water. Water sparingly during fall and winter, give them just enough that the soil doesn’t dry out completely.

Is Hoya rubra the same as krimson princess?

Yes, rubra is ‘Princess’ – Queen and Princess aren’t invalid names, they are old trade names. It was more commonly sold by its Trademark name of Hoya Krimson Princess. Hoya carnosa cv. Tricolor is a cultivar of Hoya carnosa var.

How do I get my Hoyas to flower?

A spot about 4 to 5 feet from a bright window is a good example of bright, indirect light. Although hoya thrives in low levels of light, it won’t flower. Feed the plant regularly to encourage your Hoya to bloom. Use a balanced fertilizer for indoor plants, as regular feeding may entice the plant to bloom.

What window is best for a Hoya?

If you’re growing Hoyas indoors, light from a west or south-facing window is ideal. I am using T5 HO lights this winter and they come highly recommended by many growers. Hoyas can definitely benefit from artificial light. Outdoors, diffused light is best and too much direct sun can cause the leaves to fade and yellow.

Is Hoya an indoor or outdoor plant?

Hoyas are traditionally grown indoors as a houseplant. They have thick, fleshy leaves and star shaped flowers that grow in an umbrella shape. These creamy white and pink little flowers are unreal looking. Like most of my indoor plants, my hoyas love a little vacation in a sheltered area outside during the warm months.

What is the difference between krimson Princess and Queen?

The main difference is, Krimson queen has a green color center with cream margins, whereas the Krimson princess has a cream-colored center surrounded by green borderlines.

How do you care for a Hoya krimson queen?

Hoya Krimson Queen care needs bright filtered light or indirect light in an east-facing window. As a potting soil use a chunky mix using perlite and pumice as well as peat moss. Keep temperatures between 61°F (16°C ) and 95°F (35°C) and water 1-3 times a week once the soil becomes dry to the touch.

Where to buy Hoya plants online?

If you’re looking to purchase a Hoya plant for your home or office interior, consider Woodie’s Approved collection of Easy to grow Hoyas from Garden Goods Direct. As America’s number one online garden center, we offer a broad selection of houseplants, along with advice from our plant experts you need to keep them healthy.

How to grow Hoya?

Most hoya varieties will grow very happily in quite small pots,and are particularly suited to growing in hanging baskets. If growing indoors,choose

  • Fill pots with quality free-draining potting mix,like Yates Specialty Potting Mix Orchid.
  • Remove plant and position in centre of the pot. Backfill with potting mix and water in well.
  • Water when the potting mix feels dry. They will not tolerate being overwatered or having ‘wet feet’.
  • Feed regularly during the growing season with Yates Thrive Indoor Plants&Ferns Liquid Plant Food or use Yates Thrive Plant Food Spikes Plants&…
  • What does Hoya carnosa mean?

    Hoya carnosa, the porcelainflower or wax plant , is an asclepiad species of flowering plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae. It is one of the many species of Hoya that are native to Eastern Asia and Australia. It is a common house plant grown for its attractive waxy foliage, and sweetly scented flowers.