Helpful tips

How big is the incision for a thyroidectomy?

How big is the incision for a thyroidectomy?

Results Mean length of the incision was 5.5 cm for total thyroidectomy, 4.6 cm for lobectomy, and 3.5 cm for parathyroidectomy (P<. 001).

Is hard swollen incision 10 days after thyroidectomy normal?

Swelling. The incision will be slightly raised and there may be swelling and light bruising at the incision site. This is normal for several weeks after surgery and will resolve over time. You may also feel a sensation of swelling or firmness that will also resolve over time.

Can thyroid surgery be done laparoscopically?

Minimally invasive surgery is widely employed for the treatment of thyroid diseases. Several minimal access approaches to the thyroid gland have been described. The commonly performed surgeries have been endoscopic lobectomies. We have performed endoscopic total thyroidectomy by the anterior chest wall approach.

How long will my neck be swollen after thyroid surgery?

You will see swelling or bruising develop in the area around the incision 1-3 days after surgery. You may also notice swelling, firmness, a pulling sensation, or even some trouble swallowing. This often increases over the first 1-2 weeks and then begins to resolve over 6-8 weeks.

What type of incision is used in a thyroidectomy?

Traditionally, a collar incision is used. The incision should be created in a curvilinear fashion within a skin crease approximately 2 cm or 2 finger-breadths above the superior edge of the clavicle and sternal notch.

When does the swelling go down after thyroid surgery?

You might notice bruising around your incision or upper chest and slight swelling above the incision when you are upright. The swelling may remain for 3 to 4 weeks.

How long does thyroidectomy scar take to heal?

Your scar will be most visible for the first 1-2 months after surgery, improve significantly over 2-3 months, and gradually fade over the next 6-9 months.

Why can’t I sing after thyroid surgery?

Thyroidectomy can drastically change the voice because of this organ’s proximity to nerves that control the vocal folds. These nerves must be carefully preserved by surgeons in order to preserve normal function of the larynx.

How do I treat my incision after thyroid surgery?

Apply a light coating of Vaseline or antibiotic ointment over the incision multiple times throughout the day (can stop this after two to three weeks). Keep incision out of the sunlight, or if expecting exposure to sunlight, apply sunscreen (45 SPF or greater) to incision.

What is the fastest way to recover from thyroid surgery?

How can you care for yourself at home?

  1. Rest when you feel tired.
  2. Try to walk each day.
  3. Avoid strenuous physical activity and lifting heavy objects for 3 weeks after surgery or until your doctor says it is okay.
  4. Do not over-extend your neck backwards for 2 weeks after surgery.
  5. Ask your doctor when you can drive again.

What should I expect during thyroid and parathyroid surgery?

Most patients will be eating, drinking, and walking around the night of their surgery. Typically, there is not a lot of pain involved with thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Rarely narcotic pain medication will be required, but it will be available to you if needed.

How long does it take for incisions to close?

All incisions are closed using the same meticulous technique, identical to that used by plastic surgeons. Whenever possible, incisions are placed along natural skin lines. Scar appearance improves with time, and the final result is generally evident 6 months after surgery.

How does incision placement affect recovery time in minimally invasive GYN Surgery?

In minimally invasive GYN surgery, incision placement and size plays a significant role in patient recovery time. When incisions and instruments have to pass deep within the muscle they take a long time to heal.

How long does it take to recover from a total thyroidectomy?

Most patients return to their daily activities in a few days and work in about a week, with some limitations. Strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least two weeks. Your body’s blood calcium level may fall after a total thyroidectomy or parathyroidectomy.