Common questions

Should lat pulldown be in front or behind head?

Should lat pulldown be in front or behind head?

There was no difference in muscular activity for the latissimus dorsi when comparing the three variations. The study concluded that when the primary objective of a lat pull down is considered the front of the head is a better choice than behind the head.

Should you do lat pulldown behind your head?

Lat pulldowns should only be performed behind the neck by individuals without mobility or rotator cuff issues to reduce the chances of injury.

Is behind the back lat pulldown bad?

They further concluded that behind-the-neck pulldowns should be avoided, but they admitted that research shows that there is no risk of shoulder injuries (as many falsely claim) with this version of the exercise.

Are lat pulldowns behind the neck bad?

Increased Risk of Shoulder Injury If you pull the bar down with your arms too far behind your head, it will overstretch your rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder, which are essential to support your shoulders. Without the support of the rotator cuffs, you are much more likely to injure your shoulder.

Is behind the neck lat pulldown safe?

Which is why the behind-the-head lat pull-down should be removed from your routine immediately. To perform this moronic move, you must stress, strain and crane your neck forward in an unnatural position to bring a wobbly, weighted bar behind your head and lower it dangerously close to your vertebrae.

What is front lat pulldown?

Grasp the bar with a wide grip, looking forward with your torso upright. Retract your shoulder blades and pull the bar down in front of you to your upper chest. Squeeze your lats at the bottom of the move. Resist the temptation to lean back to aid the movement.

Why is lat pulldown bad?

Increased Risk of Shoulder Injury This is the most common issue for those performing a behind the neck lat pulldown. If you pull the bar down with your arms too far behind your head, it will overstretch your rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder, which are essential to support your shoulders.

What does behind the back lat pulldown work?

People opt for the behind the neck lat pulldown because of the specific movement. It activates many of the muscles in your back like a standard pulldown but also activates your shoulder muscles. If performed correctly, it can help strengthen your upper body and improve your overall functionality.

What is the best lat pull down variation?

When we look at all of the information related to the three studies cited above you can come to the conclusion that the safest and most efficient lat pull down variation is performing them in front of your head with a medium grip width and the palms of your hands facing away from you.

What muscles does the lat pulldown work on?

Latissimus dorsi (lats) The lats keep the shoulders stable. In addition to that,the lats are also responsible for Therefore; exercising the lats muscle is responsible for the adductions

  • Posterior deltoids. The posterior deltoids are shoulder muscles.
  • Biceps branchii.
  • Rhomboids.
  • Brachialis.
  • Teres major.
  • Are behind-the-neck pulldowns safe?

    A: Behind-the-neck pulldowns should be safe for most trainees in the phase 2 Size Surge program because of 3 reasons: You use a controlled tempo-1.5 seconds down and three seconds up, no jerking.

    Which is lat pull down bar?

    Lat pulldown, an exercise in which an individual pulls the long horizontal steel bar towards his/her collarbone. Some prefer lifting it towards the chest bone. This bar is supported by a sturdy machine. Even during squats and deadlifts, lats stabilize your body posture.