Common questions

Are independent schools monitored by Ofsted?

Are independent schools monitored by Ofsted?

Independent Schools Council (ISC) ISI is a Government approved inspectorate and the quality of its service is monitored by Ofsted on behalf of the DfE. Inspection is for the benefit of pupils and seeks to improve the quality and effectiveness of their education and welfare.

Do independent schools have to be inspected?

No. About 80% of all children in independent education attend schools in membership of the Associations that make up the Independent Schools Council and these schools are inspected by ISI.

What is the role of the Independent Schools Inspectorate?

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Associations that make up the Independent Schools Council.

What is the difference between Ofsted and ISI?

Both ISI and Ofsted report on independent schools’ compliance with the DfE Education (Independent Schools Standards) Regulations. Another difference is that ISI inspection teams largely consist of practising senior leaders currently working in ISC schools, whereas Ofsted inspectors have not necessarily run a school.

Do independent schools follow the national curriculum?

By law, a private school does not have to follow and teach the national curriculum. A lot of private schools do choose to teach the national curriculum as it prepares students for exams later in their school years, but they use the freedom of being independent to structure the delivery in order to benefit their pupils.

How are independent schools governed?

All independent schools are private schools, and these terms are often used interchangeably, but technically independent schools are all overseen by a board of governors or trustees, whilst other private schools may be run by their owner with no governing body.

What does ISI mean for school?

Removal of a student from class or classes and assigned to a designated supervisor. A student on in-school intervention (ISI) is suspended from all school sponsored activities occurring on the day(s) of suspension.

What is the difference between independent schools and public schools?

The important distinction is that while both are non-public, independent schools have stricter rules for governance. Tuition is higher as well. Schools in this category have larger endowments and many have impressive facilities, from state-of-the-art science labs to stadium football fields.

Do independent schools have to teach religious education?

It should be noted that there is no requirement in independent schools for religious education per se.