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Are Pepcid and Pepcid AC the same?

Are Pepcid and Pepcid AC the same?

Both Pepcid and Pepcid AC contain the same active ingredient, famotidine, which reduces the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Pepcid AC is available without a prescription to prevent and treat heartburn associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach.

Can you take Pepcid AC and Pepcid Complete together?

What drugs and food should I avoid while taking Calcium Carbonate, Famotidine, And Magnesium Hydroxide (Pepcid Complete)? Do not take this medicine together with regular famotidine (Pepcid, Pepcid AC, Pepcid RPD) or with other stomach acid reducers.

Is it OK to take Pepcid Complete every day?

To prevent heartburn, take 1 tablet by mouth with a glass of water 15-60 minutes before eating food or drinking beverages that cause heartburn. Do not use more than 2 tablets in 24 hours unless directed by your doctor. Do not take for more than 14 days in a row without talking with your doctor.

What is Pepcid Complete used for?

This combination of three medications is used to treat heartburn and other symptoms caused by too much acid in the stomach (acid indigestion). Famotidine is a drug that blocks acid release in the stomach and can help stop heartburn and acid indigestion from coming back.

Is Pepcid AC bad for kidneys?

They lower the amount of acid in your stomach, but studies have shown that taking them for a long time can raise your chances of serious kidney problems and possibly lead to kidney failure. Other heartburn medicines called H2 blockers (Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac) are less likely to cause these issues.

Can I take Pepcid Complete and Tums together?

Can you take famotidine (Pepcid AC) with TUMS? You can take an antacid (such as TUMS, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, and Milk of Magnesia) with famotidine (Pepcid AC) for quicker heartburn relief. However, you should consult with your healthcare provider first before taking the those medications together.

Can I take 2 Pepcid AC at once?

DOSAGE: Adults & Children 12 years and over Do not take more than one tablet at a time. Do not take more than two tablets in 24 hours. If symptoms continue for more than 14 days, talk to your doctor.

Is it better to take famotidine at night?

These results confirm that famotidine is a powerful and long-acting H2 blocker that relieves gastric acidity during the night and morning hours when administered as a single bedtime dose of 40 mg.

Is Pepcid Complete good for acid reflux?

Famotidine is a histamine-2 blocker that decreases the amount of acid the stomach produces. Calcium and magnesium are naturally occurring minerals that neutralize acid in the stomach. Pepcid Complete is a combination medicine used to relieve heartburn caused by acid indigestion and sour stomach.

What can I use instead of famotidine?

While these medications work differently than famotidine, they can also be used for heartburn.

  • Omeprazole (Prilosec)
  • Esomeprazole (Nexium)
  • Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
  • Dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)
  • Pantoprazole (Protonix)
  • Rabeprazole (Aciphex)

What are the risks of Pepcid Complete?


  • diarrhea,
  • fatigue,
  • dizziness,
  • weakness,
  • mood changes,
  • headache,
  • insomnia,
  • muscle pain or cramps,
  • joint pain,
  • Is Pepcid AC the same as Tums?

    Pepcid (Famotidine) works well for heartburn but may not last as long or start working as quickly as other antacids. Tums (Calcium carbonate) is an effective, first-line medication for hearburn.

    Is there a generic version of Pepcid AC?

    The generic version of Pepcid AC is famotidine. Both Pepcid AC and its generic equivalents are available in oral tablets in strengths of 10 milligrams (mg) or 20 mg. Pepcid AC is a drug that reduces stomach acid and is used to prevent and treat heartburn associated with acid indigestion and a sour stomach.

    What does the AC stand for in Pepcid AC?

    The ‘AC’ in Pepcid AC stands for ‘Acid Controller’, which makes sense since Pepcid AC is used to treat conditions caused by excess stomach acid, including heartburn, indigestion and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).