Helpful tips

Do bait stations work for voles?

Do bait stations work for voles?

For below ground foraging voles such as the pine vole, the bait station system can be effective in an area of approximately 1200 square feet. The VOLE CONTROL Bait Station System will also control 3 to 4 areas of activity.

Where do vole bait stations go?

Bait block products placed in tamper-resistant bait stations is a good choice. This way, it is likely that only voles and other rodents will consume the bait, keeping kids and pets and non-target animals safe. Place bait stations very close to runways, plants that voles favor, and burrow openings.

What is the best vole bait?

The best bait for voles includes bread and butter, small nuts, cherry pits, oatmeal, sunflower or similar seeds, mixed peanut butter and oatmeal or gumdrops.

How do you bait a vole?

You can use a simple, wooden mouse trap baited with a peanut butter-oatmeal mixture or apple slices, although often you won’t need to use bait, because voles will trigger the trap as they pass over it.

What is the best vole trap?

Vole Traps We Reviewed:

  • Amagabeli Professional Humane Live Animal Trap.
  • Havahart 1089 Collapsible One-Door Live Animal Cage Trap.
  • Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Cage Trap.
  • Duke DP Coon Trap.
  • Duke 110BT Single Spring Body Grip Trap.

Can you make your own bait station?

You can buy plastic bait stations at hardware stores. You may also be able to make your own out of wood or cardboard. Choose solid materials, like pieces of scrap wood or plastic, and make sure your bait station is large enough for rats to easily enter and exit, such as a PVC pipe.

How do you bury a PVC vole bait station?

Bury the PVC vole bait station where the lower section is aligned with the vole’s tunnel. The angle created by the 45-degree cuts allows the bait station to be buried without the dirt filling the openings at each end.

What is the best vole trap to use?

Here are the basics of vole traps and how best to use them! 1. Havahart 1020 Cage Trap – Best Live Animal Vole Trap (Editor’s Choice) This Havahart X-Small 2-Door Mouse Trap works great every time and is a 100% humane live catch trap. Even more effective on voles because of the double doors and because of the extra small size.

How long does it take for a vole bait station to work?

This is the reason bait stations must be used to allow the vole to eat and return to the bait, which will dispatch the rodent over a period of up to two weeks. Cut the 24-inch PVC pipe in half, using the hacksaw, then cut one of the remaining sections in half, leaving two 6-inch pieces and one 12-inch piece.

How do you get rid of a vole?

Voles are scavengers that will take a bite of food and wait to see if it gets sick before continuing to eat. This is the reason bait stations must be used to allow the vole to eat and return to the bait, which will dispatch the rodent over a period of up to two weeks.