Helpful tips

Do lupine plants come back every year?

Do lupine plants come back every year?

While Lupine seeds may yield both annual (life cycle complete in one growing season) and perennial (long-lived, coming back each spring) varieties, potted Lupine plants are typically perennial cultivars.

How toxic is the lupine plant?

Toxicity. Several varieties of lupines are toxic to animals and cause discomfort to humans when ingested. The poison is present in the foliage, but mostly it’s in the seeds. Large amounts of the toxins have to be consumed within a short time to cause poisoning, however.

Where does Lupine grow best?

full sun
Lupines prefer full sun, at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days, to grow and bloom their best. They can grow in partial shade, but their flowering will be diminished. However, some afternoon shade is ideal in hot climates. If you plant lupines in deep shade, they typically won’t flower.

Is purple lupine invasive?

In a nutshell, it is an invasive plant that can crowd native species out of their preferred habitats. Also, their seeds are toxic to animals if too many are consumed, which could threaten both grazing farm animals and native herbivores.

How do you keep lupines blooming?

To encourage blooms, fertilize lupines with a plant food that is high in phosphorus. Nitrogen rich fertilizer may encourage growth of the foliage and do little to promote flowering. Deadhead spent blooms for returning lupine flowers.

How poisonous are lupins to dogs?

Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. Locust Robinia species Nausea and weakness Lupin (leaves, seeds) Lupinus species Harmful if eaten in quantity.

Do all lupins turn purple?

Lupines come in purple, pink and white, but most are purple. It could be purple flowers are being attacked by predators so that fewer seeds are produced. Samis will also experiment with planting seeds from pink and purple flowers to see which are more likely to grow.

What colors do lupine flowers come in?

Wildflowers of the lupine plant generally come in in hues of blues and white, although domesticated lupines offer flowers in blues, yellows, pinks and purples. Tall, spiky racemes produce lupine flowers similar to those of the sweet pea plant.

Do lupine flowers come back every year?

Lupine flowers may be annual and last only for a season, or perennial, returning for a few years in the same spot in which they were planted. The lupine plant grows from a long taproot and does not like to be moved.

What does a fuchsia look like in the fall?

From spring to fall, fuchsias produce dozens of brightly colored teardrop-shaped flowers from trailing stems, and they do so in the kind of shady conditions where most plants struggle. Fuchsias are a fabulous staple for hanging baskets with their elegant, drooping flowers hanging down like so many crystals on a fancy chandelier.

Are lupines native to North Shore?

The pinks, purples, and whites of the lupine flowers explode color all over the North Shore in the late spring and early summer months. However, while beautiful, these flowers are an invasive species that, frankly, doesn’t belong here.