
How do I get next 100 records in SQL?

How do I get next 100 records in SQL?

select from order by ProductName offset 100 rows fetch next 100 rows only; That will skip the first 100 rows (in order by ProductName) and return the next 100 rows.

How do I select only the top 100 rows in SQL?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax: SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  2. MySQL Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  3. Oracle 12 Syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name.
  4. Older Oracle Syntax: SELECT column_name(s)
  5. Older Oracle Syntax (with ORDER BY): SELECT *

How do I fetch the first 10 rows in SQL Server Management Studio?

The ANSI SQL answer is FETCH FIRST . If you want ties to be included, do FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS WITH TIES instead. To skip a specified number of rows, use OFFSET , e.g. Will skip the first 20 rows, and then fetch 10 rows.

How do I get the first 5 rows in SQL Server?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax. SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name;
  2. MySQL Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. LIMIT number;
  3. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons. LIMIT 5;
  4. Oracle Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. WHERE ROWNUM <= number;
  5. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons.

How do I find the next record in SQL?

You can use UNION to get the previous and next record in MySQL. Insert some records in the table using insert command. Display all records from the table using select statement.

How do I select specific rows in SQL?

To select rows using selection symbols for character or graphic data, use the LIKE keyword in a WHERE clause, and the underscore and percent sign as selection symbols. You can create multiple row conditions, and use the AND, OR, or IN keywords to connect the conditions.

How do I select the top 10 rows in a table?

Let’s look at a SQL example, where we use the TOP PERCENT keyword in the SELECT statement. For example: SELECT TOP(10) PERCENT contact_id, last_name, first_name FROM contacts WHERE last_name = ‘Anderson’ ORDER BY contact_id; This SQL SELECT TOP example would select the first 10% of the records from the full result set.

What is top 100 percent SQL Server?

Views don’t have any natural order. So if we see TOP (100) PERCENT in code, we suspect that the developer has attempted to create an ordered view and we check if that’s important before going any further. Chances are that the query that uses that view (or the client application) need to be modified instead.

How do I skip the first 10 rows in SQL?

In order to do this in SQL Server, you must order the query by a column, so you can specify the rows you want. Felipe V. R. Do you want something like in LINQ skip 5 and take 10? SELECT TOP(10) * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE ID not in (SELECT TOP(5) ID From My_TABLE);

How do I get last 10 rows in SQL?

The following is the syntax to get the last 10 records from the table. Here, we have used LIMIT clause. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM yourTableName ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 )Var1 ORDER BY id ASC; Let us now implement the above query.