
How do I remove the first and last line in bash?

How do I remove the first and last line in bash?

sed -i ‘$ d’ filename . The -i flag edits file in place. This deletes the last line. To delete the first line, use sed -i ‘1,1d’ filename .

How do I remove the last nth line in Unix?

It’s a little roundabout, but I think it’s easy to follow.

  1. Count up the number of lines in the main file.
  2. Subtract the number of lines you want to remove from the count.
  3. Print out the number of lines you want to keep and store in a temp file.
  4. Replace the main file with the temp file.
  5. Remove the temp file.

How do I remove the first row in Unix?

To delete a particular line in file:

  1. Delete first line sed ‘1d’ file.
  2. Delete first and third line sed ‘1d3d’ file.

How cut last line in Linux?

d is the command for deleting a line, while $ means “the last line in the file”. When specifying a location (called “range” in sed lingo) before a command, that command is only applied to the specified location. So, this command explicitly says “in the range of the last line in a file, delete it”.

How do I echo an empty line in shell script?

To create a blank line in a batch file, add an open bracket or period immediately after the echo command with no space, as shown below. Adding @echo off at the beginning of the batch file turns off the echo and does not show each of the commands. @echo off echo There will be a blank line below.

How do I remove the first 5 lines in Unix?

Remove first N lines of a file in place in unix command line

  1. Both sed -i and gawk v4. 1 -i -inplace options are basically creating temp file behind the scenes.
  2. tail is multiple times faster for this task, than sed or awk . ( of course doesn’t fit for this question for real inplace)

How do I delete the last row in Unix?

So sed ‘$d’ file; sed ‘$d’ file will print out the contents of the file twice, minus the last line each time. The delete-the-last-two-lines equivalent of sed ‘$d’ file is sed ‘$d’ file | sed ‘$d’ . Yeah, that’s inelegant but of course it works.

How do I remove a line in Linux?

Deleting a Line

  1. Press the Esc key to go to normal mode.
  2. Place the cursor on the line you want to delete.
  3. Type dd and hit Enter to remove the line.

How to delete 1st Line and last line in a file?

I want to delete 1st line and last line using shell command. -i option edit the file itself. You could also remove that option and redirect the output to a new file or another command if you want. You can also delete a range. For example, 1,5d would delete the first 5 lines.

How to remove last n characters of each line in Bash?

Using combination of rev erse and cut commands we can remove last N characters of each line, as shown below. ( source ) Use the following command to delete last character of each line in Bash: Use the following command to delete last 8 characters of each line in Bash:

How to print string between first and last characters in Bash?

Print Strings Between First and Last Characters Use the following command to print strings between 9th and 20th characters of each line in Bash: $ cat file | cut -c 9-20 I Love Bash I Love Bash I Love Bash Print First N Characters Of Each Line

How do I strip the last line out of a variable?

Put this all together, and you can strip the last line out of your variable with: Since the count is going to be the full number of lines, $var.count – 1 would be the last line, so you want it to stop at the next to last line, or $var.count – 2.