Helpful tips

How do you list a senior thesis on a resume?

How do you list a senior thesis on a resume?

Consider listing your thesis title and advisor next to your degree under the “Educational Background” portion of you CV. You can also list a paper based on your thesis in your publications section.

How do you list a thesis on a resume?

When describing your dissertation or thesis in a CV, you typically include the title within the Education section included just under the degree. The details of the work will be include later within the Research Experience section.

How do you list conferences on a resume?

To format the conference listings, list the most important information on the left-hand side of the listing, as you’ll do with other sections of your resume. Start with the title of your conference talk, followed by the name of the institution or conference at which you presented the information.

Should I list conferences attended on CV?

Some people include a lot of personal information on their CVs, as well as photographs. However, simply listing conferences does not provide much useful information and may be seen as a CV-padding tactic.

How do you list presentation skills on a resume?

Public speaking skills listThe ability to accurately ‘read’ your audience. One of the most important public speaking skills is the ability to read an audience. Articulate presentation of ideas. An engaging presence and style. The ability to write a speech or presentation. Knowledge of presentation technology.