
How do you multiply a fraction with a whole number by a fraction?

How do you multiply a fraction with a whole number by a fraction?

To multiply a whole number by a fraction, keep the denominator of the fraction the same and multiply the numerator by the whole number. Simplify if possible by dividing the numerator and denominator of the answer by the same amount. For example 5 × 2/7 = 10/7.

How do we multiply simple fractions involving mixed fractions and whole number?

It’s easy to multiply fractions by mixed fractions or whole numbers. Start by turning your mixed fractions or whole numbers into improper fractions. Then multiply the numerators of both improper fractions. Multiply the denominators and simplify your result.

How do you multiply a whole number by a fraction ks2?

How to multiply fractions with whole numbers:

  1. Rewrite the whole number as a fraction.
  2. Multiply the numerators of the fraction.
  3. Multiply the denominators of the fraction.
  4. Reduce/simplify the answer, if possible.

How can I practice multiplying whole numbers and fractions?

The PowerPoint and student handouts guide students through using area models for whole number multiplication, representing fractions, modeling fractions multiplied by whole numbers, and modeling fractions multiplied by fractions. T This set of 24 task cards gives students practice multiplying whole numbers and fractions.

How can I help students understand multiplying fractions using area models?

Help students understand multiplying fractions using area models. The PowerPoint and student handouts guide students through using area models for whole number multiplication, representing fractions, modeling fractions multiplied by whole numbers, and modeling fractions multiplied by fractions. T

How many worksheets are in the multiply fractions resource?

These multiplying fractions worksheets allow your students to hone their skills as they multiply fractions by fractions and multiply fractions by whole numbers. Nine worksheets have been included in this resource making the resource easy to differentiate based one whether or not your students need v

How do I teach fraction strips in elementary math?

Remind students to draw circles on their construction paper to show the number of groups and glue their fraction strips to illustrate the problem. (Note: have students fold their paper in half and use just one half for their first model.) Have students write a repeated addition sentence and multiplication sentence to go with their model.