
How do you remember the days of the month in Japanese?

How do you remember the days of the month in Japanese?

For example:

  1. 一月 ichi-gatsu: January (literally, first month)
  2. 二月 ni-gatsu: February (literally, second month)
  3. 三月 san-gatsu: March.
  4. 四月 shi-gatsu: April (be careful, it’s not yon-gatsu, but shi-gatsu)
  5. 五月 go-gatsu: May.
  6. 六月 roku-gatsu: June.
  7. 七月 shichi-gatsu: July (be careful, it’s not nana-gatsu, but schichi-gatsu)

What are the days of the month in Japanese?

The Days of the Month in Japanese

1st 一日ついたち (tsuitachi) 2nd 二日ふつか (futsuka)
7th 七日なのか (nanoka) 8th 八日ようか (yōka)
13th 十三日じゅうさんにち (jū san nichi) 14th 十四日じゅうよっか (jū yokka)
19th 十九日じゅうくにち (jū ku nichi) 20th 二十日はつか (hatsuka)
25th 二十五日にじゅうごにち (ni jū go nichi) 26th 二十六日にじゅうろくにち (ni jū roku nichi)

How do you memorize the days of the week in Japanese?

Before we start the mnemonics way, I’ll explain each words.

  1. Monday – 月曜日 GETSU-youbi.
  2. Tuesday – 火曜日 KA-youbi.
  3. Wednesday – 水曜日 SUI-youbi.
  4. Thursday – 木曜日 MOKU-youbi.
  5. Friday – 金曜日 KIN-youbi.
  6. Saturday – 土曜日 DO-youbi.
  7. Sunday – 日曜日 NICHI-youbi.

What is Yokka in Japanese?

below, down, descend, give, low, inferior.

What is the rhyme for days in the month?

How Many Days in a Month Rhyme: Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone, And that has twenty-eight days clear, and twenty-nine in each leap year.

What is gatsu in Japanese?

There is no capitalization in Japanese. Months are basically numbers (1 through 12) + gatsu, which means, literally, “month” in English. So, to say the months of the year, you generally say the number of the month, followed by gatsu.

What are the Japanese days of the week?

Days of the Week in Japanese

  • Sunday: にちようび, nichiyoubi.
  • Monday: げつようび, getsuyoubi.
  • Tuesday: かようび, kayoubi.
  • Wednesday: すいようび, suiyoubi.
  • Thursday: もくようび, mokuyoubi.
  • Friday: きんようび, kinyoubi.
  • Saturday: どようび, doyoubi.

What is Nihongo Friday?

Friday: Kinyôbi (きんようび – 金曜日)

How do you say April in Japanese?

April is shi-gatsu, not yon-gatsu, July is shichi-gatsu, not nana-gatsu, and September is ku-gatsu, not kyuu-gatsu.

What is Nichi in Japanese?

day, sun, Japan, counter for days.

What is Kokonoka in Japanese?

9 days, 9th day of the month.

How to read the Japanese days of the month?

There are more to remember when it comes to the Japanese days of the month. Firstly there are special readings from the 1st to 10th days. Pay attention to the difference between the 4th and the 8th. The 4th is read as よっか (yokka) using sokuon, whereas the 8th is read as ようか (youka) using chouon (long vowels).

What are the Japanese numbers for 3 months?

While normally yon (4), nana (7) and kyuu (9) are used in Japanese numbers, shi (4), shichi (7) and ku (9) are used when reading these 3 months. Foreigners tend to make mistakes when reading these.

What does 曜日 (youbi) mean?

Each day ends with the word 曜日 (youbi), which means “day of the week”. The only difference lies in the first character. 月 (getsu) means moon, so Monday is the day of moon. 火 (ka) means fire, so Tuesday is the day of fire. 水 (sui) means water, so Wednesday is the day of water.