
How do you stretch your atlas?

How do you stretch your atlas?

Atlas adjustment stretches

  1. Sit in a chair with your back straight.
  2. Reach in front of your face and place your hands on the crown of your head.
  3. Pull your head down until you feel a stretch along the back of your neck.
  4. Check to make sure that your thoracic spine (upper back) is straight.

Do chiropractors really realign the spine?

A licensed chiropractor uses special instruments or their hands to manipulate joints in the body. This process is also called spinal or joint manipulation. It can help reduce pain and correct the body’s alignment and overall physical function.

How do you hold an atlas adjustment?

One way to maintain atlas alignment is to watch your head and pay attention to your posture at all times. You should also avoid tilting the head to the other side during adjustment because if you tilt the head so that the Atlas is higher, the setting is reversed, and you press it to the higher side.

Can atlas vertebra misalignment cause pain?

Misalignment of the atlas vertebra itself does not usually cause pain. Instead, a misaligned vertebra can result in several other complaints. Typical symptoms of an atlas misalignment or an atlas blockage are: 2)

Is the realignment of the Atlas a dangerous manipulation?

The Realignment of the Atlas is a Dangerous Manipulation! The Realignment of the Atlas is a Dangerous Manipulation! Home » Blog » Back Neck Pain » The Realignment of the Atlas is a Dangerous Manipulation! When a person is afflicted with various physical and mental symptoms, they often resort to online searches to find solutions to their problems.

Does Atlas manipulation have a domino effect?

Consequently, according to the common belief, atlas manipulation should, through its domino effect, realign and decontract all the underlying bone and muscle structures with the benefit of soothing muscles, nerves, tendons etc.

What happens when the Atlas shifts out of place?

When the atlas shifts out of place we are likewise able to function, but a clear signal can’t get through. This situation can stress our digestion, breathing, blood pressure, as well as muscles. A misaligned atlas will affect nerve signal to 15 sets of postural muscles, muscles that help us stay upright.