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How do you test for knee effusion?

How do you test for knee effusion?

Method 2: Assess for fluid by placing one hand superior to the patella and with slight downward pressure milk the suprapatellar pouch which emptys into the knee joint. Next use the other hand to push to push on the patella. If there is an effusion, the patellar will bounce off the underlying bone (patella tap test).

What is the patella tap test?

Patella tap test or ballottement test is used to examine the knee swelling or knee effusion. This test is also know as dancing knee sign.

What is a positive sweep test?

A positive test is when the patella can be felt to move down through the fluid and rebounds on the patella.

How do you get rid of knee effusion?


  1. Rest your knee when you have pain and swelling and avoid weight-bearing activities.
  2. Use over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatories as needed.
  3. Put your leg up and apply ice to the knee for 15 to 20 minutes every two to four hours.

How do you tap a knee effusion?


  1. The knee may be tapped from either the medial or the lateral side.
  2. The patient’s knee should be extended or flexed at an angle of 15 to 20 degrees.
  3. The needle will enter the skin 1 cm medial (or lateral) to the superior third of the patella and is directed toward the intracondylar notch.

What happens if water on the knee goes untreated?

Symptoms of a Swollen Knee Swelling that does not go away, also known as chronic swelling, can lead to joint damage, cartilage degradation, or bone softening.

What is the patella tap test for knee swelling?

Patella tap test or ballottement test is used to examine the knee swelling or knee effusion. This test is also know as dancing knee sign. Step1. Patient in supine position and knee extended. Step2. Therapist one hand is push down front of the leg to the top of the patella this moves any fluid in the thigh to the knee.

What are the tests for severe knee effusion?

Search Strategy. Severe Knee Effusion. For these tests, several names are used such as ballottement patellae, patellar tap, effusion test, fluid wave test, fluid displacement test, bulge, wipe and stroke test.

What is the difference between fluid displacement and patellar test?

The patellar test is best for identifying moderate-sized effusions. The fluid displacement test is better for smaller effusions. Knee effusion is usually diffuse, symmetric and associated with a loss of knee contour, although the joint effusion may be minimal and may be distinguished by pushing the suprapatellar pouch.

How reliable is the patella sweep test?

The patella sweep test although simple is quite a reliable test. It has shown to be better, in terms of reliability than both the patella tap test and the fluctuation test for assessing presence of a knee effusion (Fritz et al, 2013). It is important to remember that fluid within the knee is normal.