
How is the Ocai scored?

How is the Ocai scored?

The OCAI consists of six items. Each item has four alternatives. Divide 100 points among these four alternatives, depending on the extent to which each alternative is similar to your school/district. Give a higher number of points to the alternative that is most similar to your school/district.

What is Ocai framework?

The OCAI is a quick culture tool where you distribute 100 points between four “Competing Values”. Every organization has its own mix of these four types of organizational culture. The Competing Values Framework (CVF) emerged from research to identify the organizational effectiveness criteria (Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 1981).

What are the four types of culture in the competing values model?

The Cameron and Quinn Competing Values Culture Model identifies four different types of organizational culture. The four cultures they define are: hierarchy, clan, ad-hocracy and market.

What are the two axes of the CVF model?

What are the two axes of the CVF model? One axis indicates whether the organization’s culture is externally/internally focused, and the other indicates whether a culture functions better in a stable, controlled environment or in a flexible, changing environment.

Is the Ocai quantitative or qualitative?

It is valid: not only do people recognize their outcomes, but the OCAI is also validated and has a verified basis. It’s quantitative: providing a measurement from the test, completed by qualitative information during the process of discussing and working with the results to determine the desired changes.

What is the ocai framework?

About the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) 1 Competing Values Framework. The OCAI is based on the Competing Values Framework: one of the most used and useful frameworks in business (ten Have, 2003). 2 Organizational Culture Types. 3 The OCAI. 4 OCAI use for organizations. 5 Organizational Culture Change.

What is the organizational culture assessment instrument (ocai)?

Learn more about the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument in this section or download the OCAI Theory & Tool Information brochure. The OCAI is based on the Competing Values Framework: one of the most used and useful frameworks in business (ten Have, 2003).

What is the CVF and ocai?

The CVF and OCAI can also be related to the “Big Five” personality traits, the MBTI, and the four psychological types discovered by Carl Gustav Jung. Because of this conceptual “archetypical” basis, the Competing Values Framework can integrate many other organizational culture instruments.

What is the Competing Values Framework?

Professors Robert Quinn and Kim Cameron developed the model of the Competing Values Framework which consists of four Competing Values that correspond with four types of organizational culture. Every organization has its own mix of these four types of organizational cultures.