
Is Begonia indoor or outdoor plant?

Is Begonia indoor or outdoor plant?

Begonias are popular as annual bedding plants outdoors and as houseplants indoors. There are about 1500 different begonia species native to tropical regions worldwide, including Central and South America, Asia, and Africa.

Is Begonia a sun or shade plant?

Most begonias grow best in part shade (4 to 6 hours of direct morning sun a day), or filtered sun (as through trees). Most will tolerate full shade (no direct or filtered sun), but won’t be as dense and usually have fewer flowers. A few grow in full sun. They prefer moist, but not soggy, soils.

Can you keep a begonia plant indoors?

Generally, fibrous and rhizomatous begonias make excellent houseplants while tuberous begonias can be grown as houseplants but have a harder time surviving due to the need for higher humidity and light than the other two kinds. Begonias grown indoors are especially susceptible to root rot and overwatering.

Do begonias do well in pots?

Begonias prefer growing in light, rich soil with a good concentration of humus, similar to the makeup of potting soil. So it’s no surprise the plants tend to thrive in containers. Begonias planted in a pot should be spaced 4-6″ apart and with the tubers buried hollow-side up.

Are begonias easy to care for?

Found in shades of white, pink, yellow, and scarlet, this flowering plant is hardy and easy to grow. All it requires is a little sun, a little water, and a lot of love. Your new begonia plant can be a part of your home décor for a long time if it is cared for in the right way.

Does begonia come back every year?

Are begonias a perennial plant or an annual flower? There are no perennial begonias. There are forms that make great houseplants and will grow year-round indoors, but outdoors the plants are all unable to tolerate frost.

How often do you water a begonia?

Water Needs A good rule of thumb is to water every two to four days. When it’s hot and dry you’ll need to water more often than when the air cools down and the soil holds more moisture. Begonia plants in full sun will also require more water than plants in shady locations.

How often should I water my begonia?

#3 Watering – How To Keep Begonias Blooming When planted in flowerbeds, begonias require about an inch of water per week to thrive. One or two light rainfalls per week are usually more than enough to provide that amount. If there is a need to water, water in the early morning.

Is Begonia an outdoor plant?

Unlike most flowering plants, which require at least a half day of full sun, begonias actually prefer growing in the shade. Wax begonias and angel-wing begonias are usually grown as outdoor annuals or indoor houseplants. Both grow from a clump of roots and are winter hardy in growing zones 9-11.