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What does a nymph fly imitate?

What does a nymph fly imitate?

What is a Nymph Fly. In simplistic terms, a nymph fly is a type of fly fishing fly that imitates the naturally occurring insect larva and nymphal stages of aquatic insects commonly found in streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes.

Is a nymph a fly?

Nymphing is a general term used to describe a wet fly that represents subaquatic insects. Nymph flies are intentionally designed to look like immature insects in a juvenile or larvae stage. The most common insects that are eaten are nymphs (mayflies and stoneflies), pupa (caddisflies and midges), and mergers.

What is a wet fly?

A wet fly is designed to be fished below the water’s surface. Wet flies vary from traditional wet flies used for over a hundred years to modern using flashabou type and other bright modern materials. Some up-winged flies swim or crawl beneath the surface as adult spinners in order to lay egg.

What does a Frenchie fly imitate?

It is not so much an exact imitation of an insect but more so a general representation of a large amount of insects. I feel that is a huge key to the productiveness of this fly pattern. It primarily consists of a pheasant tail body with a rainbow sow dubbing and brass colored tungsten bead.

What is a scud fly?

Scuds – sometimes called “freshwater shrimp” are freshwater crustaceans that range in size from less than an eighth of an inch to over one inch. They are found in a variety of colors including black, tan, brown, green, cream, and white, with tan and green the most common.

What is the difference between a dry fly and wet fly?

Wet flies resemble insects that grow and live below the water surface before hatching and floating to the surface. They can also imitate larger creatures such as crawfish, leeches, and smaller fish that are found in streams and rivers. Dry flies represent insects that fish feed on that land on top of the water.

How do you tell if a fly is dry or wet?

The dry flies will generally have hackles that stick out at a 90 degree angle from the hook. There will be no bead head or weight. You will need a float ant like Gink or some other floatant to keep the fly on the surface. Wet flies tend to have their hackles running along the line of the hook, more parallel.

What does a Frenchie nymph imitate?

The Frenchie is essentially a beadhead pheasant tail pattern with a dubbing hot spot. Some anglers will argue that the hot spot represents an egg while others claim it’s simply a color trigger.