
What does a positive cotinine test mean?

What does a positive cotinine test mean?

In general, a high level of nicotine or cotinine indicates active tobacco or nicotine product use. A moderate concentration indicates that the person has not had tobacco or nicotine for two to three weeks. A lower level may be found in a non-tobacco user who has been exposed to environmental smoke.

How sensitive is a cotinine test?


(a) LC tandem mass spectrometry (b) LC tandem mass spectrometry
Total cotinine >200 ng/mL Total cotinine <10 ng/mL
Sensitivity = 99.5% Sensitivity = 98.7%
Specificity = 92.0% Specificity = 90.1%
Positive predictive value = 92.6% Positive predictive value = 85.4%

What does cotinine do to the body?

In preclinical studies, cotinine has shown to improve reference and working memories, attention, and the extinction of fear memory, as well as to reduce both the startle response and anxiety in animal models of aging, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), PTSD, and schizophrenia (Figure ​ 1).

What causes high cotinine levels?

Increases in the number of cigarettes smoked and in pack of smokeless tobacco used, were associated with increased salivary levels of cotinine. The increase was higher in smokeless tobacco consumers.

How can I get cotinine out of my system fast?

The following methods may help clear nicotine from the body:

  1. Drink plenty of water to flush waste products from the kidneys and liver.
  2. Exercise to get the blood moving, boost circulation, and release waste products through sweat.
  3. Eat a healthful diet rich in antioxidants to help the body repair itself.

How can I flush cotinine out of my system fast?

How do you get cotinine levels down?

Is cotinine found in hair?

Hair from e-cigarette users generally contained a higher level of cotinine in all samples, compared to nicotine. Results indicate there are higher concentrations of the analytes, nicotine and cotinine, in the untreated hair samples when compared to levels detected treated hair samples.

How do I flush my liver of cotinine?

How much cotinine is in a cigarette?

In experimental studies in which cigarette smoking is measured and in which nicotine and cotinine pharmacokinetic variables are characterized, the typical cotinine concentration per cigarette is 12 ng/mL.

Does apple cider vinegar get rid of nicotine?

Conclusion: These finding confirm that chronic nicotine administration causes harmful effects to the liver and suggest that ACV may be useful in combating tissue injury resulting from nicotine toxicity. Hence, the intake of ACV might suppress the toxicity and mutagenic activity of nicotine.

What is the difference between nicotine and cotinine?

Cotinine is usually the test of choice to evaluate tobacco use or exposure to tobacco smoke because it is stable and is only produced when nicotine is metabolized. Cotinine has a half-life in the body of between 7 and 40 hours, while nicotine has a half-life of 1 to 4 hours.

How to rid body of cotinine?

Stick to a healthy lifestyle. Fresh fruits and veggies with natural fiber and vitamins, light exercises or 1-hour walk, 7-8-hour sleep and 6-8 glasses of water daily help to improve the detox process. Be ready. If you going to pass cotinine mouth swab test, use proven solution from Stinger.

How to get cotinine out of your system?

Cotinine can be eliminated from the system by regular exercising, intake of lots of water and other fluids, and a balanced and health diet with garlic, onion, and egg yolk, etc. Blood test, urine test, and saliva test are the 3 main types of tests that are used to find the presence of cotinine in the system.

How long will cotinine stay in my system after one cigarette?

All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. If you smoke infrequently, cotinine will usually be present in your urine for about four days. With regular exposure to nicotine, cotinine may be detectable for up to three weeks after your last exposure.