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What does clear global do in Mathematica?

What does clear global do in Mathematica?

Jason Grigsby, Wolfram Research Inc. Clear removes values and definitions from a symbol while ClearAll removes attributes, messages and any default options as well as values and definitions from a symbol.

How do you clear all variables in Wolfram Alpha?

This command clears all the definitions made during the current Wolfram System session: Copy to clipboard. Use ClearAll to clear not only the values and definitions of symbols but also the attributes and messages associated with them.

How do you reset Mathematica?

Press Command + Shift + G to open a file search dialog and enter “~/Library/Mathematica/”. Finder opens the hidden folder. Close Mathematica, then delete or rename all these directories in order to reset Mathematica to its default configuration.

How do you clear a notebook in Mathematica?

As noted in the comments it is probably just as fast, if not faster, to simply Select All and Clear ( Ctrl + A and Delete in Windows). This is very efficient for large Notebooks: NotebookPut[Notebook[{}], EvaluationNotebook[]]; (simple replacement of the evaluation notebook with blank notebook).

What is the difference between clear and clear all?

clear Clear variables and functions from memory. clear removes all variables from the workspace. clear ALL removes all variables, globals, functions and MEX links.

How do you delete output in Mathematica?

On Windows (Mac does not work yet): Execute the following code in a notebook and restart Mathematica. Then hitting F4 will delete all Output, Print and Message cells in the selected notebook, while pressing F8 will do so in all open notebooks which are not Wolfram Documentation notebooks.

How do I start a new kernel in Mathematica?

Start Mathematica. On the toolbar, navigate to Evaluation ► Kernel Configuration Options. The Configured Kernels dialog appears. To add a new kernel and configure it, click Add.

What Clear All and Close All will do?

clr performs: clear all; close all; clc; This clears your workspace, closes all figures, and clears command window. clr is a quick way to “reset” Matlab. The only point of this function is to save key strokes.

What is clear all?

clear all is basically used to clear/delete the variables created in Workspace. clc is basically used to clear the Command Window (where we execute MATLAB commands).

Is there a way to clear all current variables in Mathematica?

In MATLAB there is the function clearto delete all current variables. This is very useful if you start something totally new and don’t want to get conflicts with earlier calculations. I’m searching something similar for Mathematica now, but I couldn’t find anything except of Clear[VAR]which removes only the variable VAR.

Is there a way to clear all current variables in MATLAB?

In MATLAB there is the function clear to delete all current variables. This is very useful if you start something totally new and don’t want to get conflicts with earlier calculations. I’m searching Stack Overflow About Products For Teams Stack OverflowPublic questions & answers

How do I clear the contents of a Wolfram system session?

This command clears all the definitions made during the current Wolfram System session: Copy to clipboard. Use ClearAll to clear not only the values and definitions of symbols but also the attributes and messages associated with them. Start with a function to output a range from 0 to some positive integer:

How do I clear only the attributes of a function?

Use ClearAttributes to clear only the attributes of a function and retain its definition. Redefine f and set it to be Listable as before: Copy to clipboard. Now use ClearAttributes and notice that while the definition of f remains, the Listable attribute is no longer present: