
What does it mean to glut something?

What does it mean to glut something?

transitive verb. 1 : to flood (the market) with goods so that supply exceeds demand The market is glutted with oil. 2 : to fill especially with food to satiety glutted themselves at the restaurant buffet. intransitive verb. : to eat gluttonously.

How do I change my glut color?

  1. For something simple like this use a glutTimerFunc() callback with a reasonable timeout.
  2. Update the angle/color in the timer callback & kick off a repaint.
  3. Re-set the projection/modelview matrices each time through the glutDisplayFunc() callback, helps prevent weird matrix problems.

What is GL Colour?

Mercedes-Benz GL-Class is available in 12 different colours – Palladium Silver Metallic, Tenorite Grey, Diamond White, Pearl Beige Metallic, Iridium Silver, Citrine Brown, Polar White, Black, Calcite White, Obsidian Black, Cinnabarite Red Metallic and Cavansite Blue.

What does glut mean in science?

(gloot) Abbreviation for “glucose transporter, ” a family of six closely related cell membrane proteins that carry glucose from the blood into cells. Slightly different glucose transporters are found in different organs (e.g., in brain, muscle) and are designated GLUT 1, GLUT 2, up to GLUT 6.

How do you use glut in a sentence?

Glut in a Sentence 🔉

  1. With a glut of electronic books on her phone, Shannon will never run out of reading material.
  2. The glut of homes for sale makes it a buyer’s market.
  3. Since I love dramatic films, I can’t wait for the glut of superhero films to disappear.

What is the origin of the word glut?

glut (v.) early 14c., glotien “to feed to repletion” (transitive), probably from Old French glotir “to swallow, gulp down, engulf,” from Latin glutire/gluttire “to swallow, gulp down” (see gullet). Intransitive sense “feed (oneself) to repletion” is from c. 1400. Related: Glutted; glutting.

What does OpenGL stand for?

Open Graphics Library
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a software interface to graphics hardware.

What is glvertex2i?

The glVertex function commands are used within glBegin/glEnd pairs to specify point, line, and polygon vertices. The current color, normal, and texture coordinates are associated with the vertex when glVertex is called. When only x and y are specified, z defaults to 0.0 and w defaults to 1.0.

What is Glu and Glut?

glu: This is OpenGL utilities library, which has been not updated for long time. glut: OpenGL Utility Toolkit for Windowing API.

What part of speech is glut?

transitive verb

part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: gluts, glutting, glutted
definition 1: to supply (a market) with much more of a particular article than there is demand for. The market was glutted with videocassette recorders. synonyms: flood, oversupply, saturate similar words: clog, deluge, inundate, surfeit

What is color buffer?

The color buffers are the ones to which you usually draw. They contain the RGB or sRGB color data, and may also contain alpha values for each pixel in the framebuffer. There may be multiple color buffers in a framebuffer.

What is the difference between glut_RGBA and Glut_index?

GLUT_RGBA Bit mask to select an RGBA mode window. This is the default if neither GLUT_RGBAnor GLUT_INDEXare specified. GLUT_RGB An alias for GLUT_RGBA. GLUT_INDEX Bit mask to select a color index mode window. This overrides GLUT_RGBAif it is also specified. GLUT_SINGLE Bit mask to select a single buffered window.

What is the meaning of glut in English?

Meaning of glut in English. a supply of something that is much greater than can be sold or is needed or wanted: The fall in demand for coffee could cause a glut on/in the market. The current glut of graduates means that many of them will not be able to find jobs.

How does glut_luminance determine the color of a pixel?

Instead each pixel’s red component is converted to an index between zero and glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_COLORMAP_SIZE)-1and looked up in a per-window color map to determine the color of pixels within the window. The initial colormap of GLUT_LUMINANCEwindows is initialized to be a linear gray ramp, but can be modified with GLUT’s colormap routines.

What is the difference between glut_double and Glut_single?

Bit mask to select a single buffered window. This is the default if neither GLUT_DOUBLEor GLUT_SINGLEare specified. GLUT_DOUBLE Bit mask to select a double buffered window. This overrides GLUT_SINGLEif it is also specified.