
What does Kino represent in the pearl?

What does Kino represent in the pearl?

But on the most basic level, Kino represents the dangers of ambition and greed. Kino’s ruin, caused by his lust for the pearl, illustrates the extent to which ambition and greed poison and jeopardize every aspect of a human’s familial, cultural, and personal well-being.

How does Steinbeck demonstrate the significance of the pearl to Kino?

The pearl is introduced into the novella when kino goes kino pearl diving because he needs money to pay the doctor. The pearl is a symbol of a better life and future. In the pearl Kino ¨ saw coyotito sitting at a little desk at school just as kino had once seen it through a door¨ (Steinbeck 13).

Who attacked Kino in the pearl?

The thieves
The thieves and trackers are shadowy figures who attack Kino from the first night he has the pearl. Kino never recognizes who they are. They harass and then follow the family right to the end of the story. They force Kino to fight and kill to defend himself and his family and keep the pearl his own.

How is Kino a tragic hero?

Many times in literature we come across characters who try to save their people but repeatedly fail. This type of character is known as a tragic hero. Due to the discovery of the pearl, Kino changes his true morals and darkens as a character.

What kind of person is Kino?

Kino. The protagonist of the novella. Kino is a dignified, hardworking, impoverished native who works as a pearl diver. He is a simple man who lives in a brush house with his wife, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, both of whom he loves very much.

How is Kino greedy in the pearl?

Kino becomes so obsessed with the things that the pearl can bring them, that when Juana tries to sneak out in the middle of the night to get rid of the pearl, he attacks her. ‘He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side.

What is the moral of the pearl by John Steinbeck?

The Pearl is a parable, a moral lesson, about gratitude and the dangers of greed. Because parables offer a moral lesson, being grateful for the things one already has serves as the theme.

What does Juan Tomas warn Kino about?

Juan Tomás warns Kino of the challenges of selling for a fair price without knowing what the pearl is worth in other towns. Juan Tomás reminds Kino of the agents who were supposed to sell pearls for the divers and then disappeared with the profits of their sale.

What happens when Kino is attacked?

As Kino makes his way up the beach, a group of men assaults him. Kino struggles violently as they paw and prod at him. As Kino drives his knife into one of his attackers, the men knock the pearl from his grasp. Meanwhile, some distance away from the fight, Juana gets up on her knees and begins to make her way home.

How old was Coyotito in the Pearl?

He is a baby, definitely under two years old and likely under one.

Where did Kino hide the Pearl?

As Juana stares at Coyotito with concern, Kino realizes that he has been careless in not guarding the pearl. Without delay, he wraps the pearl in a rag, digs a hole, and buries the pearl in a corner of the brush house, concealing the hiding place from view.

What is the Pearl by John Steinbeck about?

The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a fascinating story with the age-old moral to be careful what you wish for. The novella features interesting characters, rich themes, and intense conflict to tell the story of what happens when your biggest wish comes true.

What does Kino see in the Pearl in the Pearl?

In the pearl, Kino sees freedom from his life as a poor, insignificant, exploited fisherman. And to meet the attack, Kino was already making a hard skin for himself against the world. His eyes and his mind probed for danger before it appeared.

What item of value does Kino claim to have?

The only item of value that Kino possesses is the pearl, and he assures the doctor that he will be rewarded once the pearl given to brokers. Just like the doctors, the pearl brokers attempt to swindle Kino.

How does Kino protect himself from the envy of his neighbors?

As the narrator explains here, even before any attempts to steal the pearl have been made, Kino understands the envy the pearl engenders in his neighbors. He hopes to protect himself from whatever may happen by remaining alert and disconnecting himself from the community.