
What does maintenance mean in RE-AIM?

What does maintenance mean in RE-AIM?

The RE-AIM dimensions include reach (R), effectiveness (E), and maintenance (M)–which operate at the individual-level (i.e., those who are intended to benefit), and adoption (A), implementation (I), and maintenance (M), which focus on the staff and setting levels.

What is the RE-AIM model?

The RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework, which provides a practical means of evaluating health interventions, has primarily been used in studies focused on changing individual behaviors.

Who developed RE-AIM?

The RE-AIM Framework was developed by Russ Glasgow, Shawn Boles, and Tom Vogt in the late 1990s to measure the success of translation or dissemination of interventions from the original effectiveness research to wide-scale intervention in multiple intervention cycles and/or at multiple locations.

When was RE-AIM created?

The first RE-AIM publication was in the American Journal of Public Health in 1999. 7 The model grew out of the need for improved reporting on key issues related to implementation and external validity of health promotion and health care research literature.

What is PARiHS?

Description. The PARiHS (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) framework provides a way to implement research into practice. With case studies of teams implementing evidence, it examines the interactions between three key elements for knowledge translation.

What is reach in program evaluation?

Reach is the extent to which a program attracts its intended audience.1. Key Considerations: ➢ Consider multiple levels. Reach can be expressed as people, organizations, communities, etc.

How do you write an evaluation framework?

How to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework

  1. Use a planning tool.
  2. Describe your outputs.
  3. Set output indicators.
  4. Describe your outcomes.
  5. Set outcome indicators.
  6. Plan how to measure soft outcomes.
  7. Test knowledge and awareness carefully.
  8. Review and prioritise your outcome indicators.

What is the precede proceed model used for?

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE provides the structure for planning a targeted and focused public health program.

What is Stetler model?

The Stetler model of evidence-based practice outlines criteria to determine the desirability and feasibility of applying a study or studies to address an issue. These criteria are: feasibility of implementing the research findings (risk/benefit assessment, availability of resources, stakeholder readiness).

How do you calculate reach in a program?

The basic formula for calculating reach is impressions divided by frequency (reach = impressions/frequency).

What is program impact?

Once a program has been designed to produce a specific type of good or service, the program impact looks at the effects of the program in achieving specific goals. PROGRAM IMPACT: “Without program impact, we’re just wasting our time on its development.”

How can re-aim be applied in practice?

It can be applied to assist with the translation of research to practice and to estimate the public health impact of programs and interventions [1–3]. RE-AIM is an acronym for the framework’s five evaluation components: Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance.

What are the challenges and resources of re-aim?

Challenges included understanding differences among RE-AIM dimensions and data acquisition. Valuable resources included the RE-AIM website and collaborating with an expert. Discussion: RE-AIM is an efficient framework for planning and evaluation of clinical and community-based projects.

How do programs evaluate re-aim dimensions?

In contrast, most programs evaluated all RE-AIM dimensions, ranging from 13 programs assessing maintenance to 15 programs assessing implementation and effectiveness. On five-point scales, all RE-AIM dimensions were rated as easy to understand (Overall M = 4.7 ± 0.5), but obtaining data was rated as somewhat challenging (Overall M = 3.4 ± 0.9).

How many publications use the re-AIM Framework?

Gaglio et al reviewed 71 recent publications, stating that they described use of the RE-AIM framework, and found that only 44 reported on all RE-AIM dimensions (6).