Common questions

What does sure mean as a response?

What does sure mean as a response?

Sure is used to signal consent, or to put it another way, willingness to go along with something. It’s often used in response to requests for permission: Alice: Would you mind if I take the car? Bob: Sure, go ahead.

Can I reply with sure?

Saying sure in response to thank you is very informal. It is a replacement for the more standard You’re welcome and means much the same as the more formal response certainly. Sure it is sometimes combined with other responses such as: Sure, no problem.

Why sure is a bad response?

The word sure is, without question, the weakest response in the history of the English language. Overused and overexposed it is laced within every indifferent response. The tepidity of this word can not be understated. It is a weapon of passive aggressive indifference.

Is sure better than yes?

“Sure” is a more definite answer than “yes.” It displays a higher level of confidence. In everyday speech, the two words are used interchangeably.

Why do people say sure before answering a question?

If asked a question that would warrant a “yes “ or “no” answer saying sure could be seen as being rude. Usually it means the person didn’t understand the question and instead of asking for clarity or for the question to be repeated they would say “sure”.

What does saying sure mean?

: not having any doubt about something : convinced or certain. : not allowing any doubt or possibility of failure. —used to say that something will definitely happen or that someone will definitely do something —usually followed by to + verb. sure. adverb.

Does sure mean yes?

The most passive-aggressive affirmative phrase is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back. When someone asks you to perform a task, there are many ways to say yes. Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

What does sure mean from a guy?

Typically it means that they agree to or are going along with whatever you have said or asked. It’s a quasi-okay/yes, which could go either way.

What does sure sure mean?

—used to say that something will definitely happen or that someone will definitely do something —usually followed by to + verb. sure.

Is sure passive aggressive?

sure, pal. The most passive-aggressive affirmative phrase is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back. Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

What are different ways to say sure?

Synonyms & Antonyms of sure

  1. Synonyms for sure. assured, certain, clear, cocksure, confident,
  2. Words Related to sure. self-assured, self-conceited, self-confident. decisive, resolute,
  3. Near Antonyms for sure. hesitant, indecisive, vacillating, wavering. diffident,
  4. Antonyms for sure. doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure.

Is saying sure passive aggressive?

How do you respond to a question you don’t know the answer?

Keep your response brief, clear and specific to the question asked. Provide evidence with facts or examples to support your answer. Sometimes we are asked questions for which we don’t know the answer. In this case, it’s better to be honest than to bluff. Bluffing is sure to cost you credibility and make you look less than trustworthy.

What is the difference between ‘sure’ and ‘it was a sure thing’?

“Sure” in the second usage is a shortening of “sure thing”, which in turn is a shortening of “it was a sure thing”, implying that no thanks are necessary because the second speaker was certain to perform the action for which they’re being thanked. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange!

Is it correct to say ‘Sure’ in reply to thanks?

In American English, “sure” is often heard in reply to offering help or expressing appreciation. I was wondering if it may not be a good choice? – Would you like a cup of water? Is it correct that “sure” here does not have any meaning similar to thanks in advance? I would say “Yes, please”. Even sometimes “Yes, please.

How do you reply when someone says Sure you are?

Sure you are… , which is a sarcastic (read: rude) way of expressing your doubt that they are really thankful. I would strongly suggest you only reply with Sure in a casual setting. You also want to make sure you say it with enthusiasm to avoid misinterpretation.