Popular lifehacks

What happens if you die in Prodigy?

What happens if you die in Prodigy?

If you get the math question correct, the avatar loses health. But if you get the answer wrong, then you lose health. If your avator dies, you need to pay 100 coins to come back to life.

How do I start liking school?

Here are some helpful tips to enjoy school:Attend school on a regular basis. It is vital that you attend school every day. Be prepared. Too many students arrive to school unprepared. Get enough rest. Eat a healthy breakfast. Take classes that interest you, and make all others work for you. Participate in class.

What is the most popular subject in school?

Math and science top the list of teens’ favorite school subjects, but U.S. teens as a group have a long way to go in becoming proficient in these areas.

What is the best school subject?

PRINCETON, NJ — Math is the clear winner when Americans are asked to say which school subject has been most valuable to them in their lives, followed by language arts — English, literature, or reading — and science. Math and English were also the top two subjects when Gallup first asked this question in 2002.