Common questions

What is a citizen science app?

What is a citizen science app?

The app provides help identifying an observed species by soliciting feedback from other users. Over time, the app tracks each user’s life-list of organisms observed. Citizen scientists have the opportunity to add observations to projects created by organizations or groups that are collecting certain types of data.

Which app is best for science?

6 of the top science apps for Android – STEM series

  1. Amazing Science Facts. From physics to chemistry and natural sciences, this app brings fun to any lesson.
  2. Periodic Table 2019.
  3. Toca Lab: Elements.
  4. CHEMIST – Virtual Chem Lab.
  5. Physics Studio.
  6. Starfall Catalyst for Students.

What is citizen science SciStarter?

SciStarter recruits, trains, and equips people for citizen science research projects in need of their help. SciStarter is a collection of smart web tools and an event-based organization that connects people to more than 1,200 registered and vetted citizen science projects, events, and tools.

What is an example of citizen science?

1. The Christmas Bird Count. The Christmas Bird Count is an annual census of birds organized by the Audubon Society and conducted by volunteer birders around the United States. The Audubon Society has conducted the survey for more than 115 years, making it the longest-running citizen science project in the world.

What’s Invasive app?

The What’s Invasive! app allows regular tablet- or phone-carrying people to help professionals track the presence of invasive species in a number of national parks within the U.S. (as well as in a few non-U.S. locations, too).

What apps do scientists use?

14 Android Apps for Scientists

  • LabTimer, by GrayWolf Mobile.
  • RealCalcScientificCalculator, by Quartic Software.
  • Formulae, by Espian(dev)
  • PeriodicDroid, by DroidLa.
  • ClickCounterFree, by Digital Fish.
  • PubMedMobile, by CRinUS.
  • Promega, by the Promega Corporation.
  • NEBTools, by New England Biolabs, Inc.

What is a SciStarter project?

SciStarter is the place to find, join, and contribute to science. With more than 3,000 projects and events searchable by topic, location, age-level and more, you’re sure to find the right match, anytime, anywhere.

Where is citizen science used?

States and tribes are increasingly using citizen science to achieve environmental results. For example, EPA provides funding to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division to run the Georgia Adopt-A-Stream program that trains volunteers across the state to monitor and sample local waterways.

Who can be a citizen scientist?

Requirements: Anyone 13 or older can participate by taking and emailing photographs. No special training is needed.

Do citizen scientists get paid?

The salaries of Citizen Scientists in the US range from $44,640 to $153,810 , with a median salary of $82,150 . The middle 60% of Citizen Scientists makes $82,150, with the top 80% making $153,810.

How to become a citizen scientist?

Learn to Program Microcontrollers. No matter which scientific field you want to dabble in,microcontrollers such as Arduino,Beagle Bone,or Raspberry Pi can make your experimental setup easier and

  • Become a Do-It-Yourself Biologist.
  • Join a Hackerspace.
  • Build a Minisatellite.
  • Crowdsource Some Funding.
  • How can kids become citizen scientists?

    Follow your passions. Citizen science can be an opportunity to dive into a totally new universe.

  • Get your friends involved. There’s a lot to be said for forging ahead into the unknown alone (or,better yet,with a trusted adult!).
  • Use existing technology to your advantage.
  • What is a citizen science program?

    A citizen science program can engage communities to collect data and advocate for environmental concerns. Many EPA efforts focus on assisting citizen science groups in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities including the Making a Visible Difference initiative. Citizen science projects can be a tool for expanding…