
What is a good ST score Asvab?

What is a good ST score Asvab?

Standard Scores are on a scale of 0-100. On this scale, 50 is the mean, or average, and every 10 points from the mean represents one standard deviation. This means that a Standard Score of 60 would be above average. Most test takers score between 30 and 70.

Can I look up my Asvab score?

Can I view my scores online? Yes. Create an account using the access code found on your ASVAB Summary Results (ASR) sheet. Your career exploration scores are available at asvabprogram.com.

What happens if you score a 31 on the Asvab?

The Army requires a minimum AFQT Score of 31 to qualify for enlistment. To qualify for certain enlistment incentives, such as enlistment bonuses, an Army recruit must score a minimum of 50. The Army allows more recruits to enlist with a GED than any other branch.

What is a good military entrance score on the Asvab?

Question: What is a good ASVAB score? Answer: A good ASVAB score would be a passing score, which would be anything above the minimum required score for the branch of the military that you are seeking to enlist in. For the Army, that would be any score above 31. For the Air Force, that would be any score above 36.

What ASVAB score do you need for nuke?

Navy Jobs (Rating) ASVAB Line Score Requirements

Navy Rating ASVAB Score
Navy Counselor NC VE+AR= 104 AND AR=51
Nuclear Power Program MM, EM, ET Nuke Test Scores
Navy Diver ND AR+VE= 103 AND MC=51
Operations Specialist OS VE+MK+CS= 148-OR-AR+2MK+GS=198

Which military branch has highest ASVAB score?

The Air Force
The Air Force has the highest enlistment score requirement of any branch of the military. If you are a high school senior or a high school graduate, you must have a minimum of 31 for an overall ASVAB score.

What does a score of 40 on the ASVAB mean?

In the case of the ASVAB subtests, the mean is set to 50 and the standard deviation is set to 10. Thus, a Standard Score of 40 indicates that the examinee scored 1 standard deviation below the mean.

How are P&P tests scored on ASVAB?

When scoring P&P tests, any unanswered items are treated as incorrect. After the final ability estimate is computed, it is converted to a standard score on the ASVAB score scale that has been statistically linked to the ability estimate through a process called equating.

Who can take the ASVAB?

The ASVAB is also offered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. The Career Exploration Program is designed to help students explore careers in both the civilian and military worlds of work.

What is the mean and standard deviation on the ASVAB test?

The ASVAB subtests use a one to 100 score range, so the mean is set to 50. This is based on a national sample of 18 to 24-year-olds. A standard deviation is a measurement of distance from the mean. The ASVAB standard deviation is set to 10. Therefore, if you receive a score of 60, you have scored one standard deviation above the mean.