What is an auspice agreement?
What is an auspice agreement?
What is an Auspice Agreement? Auspice Agreements govern a specific type of business relationship between an Auspicing Body (or auspicor) and an unincorporated group of individuals (or auspicee). It is possible for a solo artist to enter into an Auspice Agreement.
What does it mean to be Auspiced?
Definition of auspice 1 auspices plural : kindly patronage and guidance doing research under the auspices of the local historical society. 2 : a prophetic sign especially : a favorable sign. 3 : observation by an augur especially of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens.
How is auspice used in a sentence?
Meaning: [‘ɔːspɪs] n. a favorable omen. (1) The examination was held under the auspices of the government. (2) The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.
What is another word for auspices?
In this page you can discover 42 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for auspices, like: auspicious, fair, favorable, good, happy, hopeful, likely, lucky, opportune, promising and propitious.
Who can be an auspice?
In a funding context, an auspice is an organisation who manages grant funding on your behalf. For example, a small community group with limited resources may use a larger Not-for-Profit Organisation as their auspice.
What does auspice mean in business?
An auspice arrangement is when a larger organisation assists a smaller organisation to fund a grant activity or event. The larger organisation is known as the auspice organisation. Your community group or organisation is known as the grant recipient.
Who can auspice?
To ‘auspice’ means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance. The group or person requiring support is known as the ‘auspicee’ and the entity (usually an incorporated organisation) that auspices the group or person is known as the ‘auspicor’.
What is a prophetic token?
noun. archaic. A divine or prophetic token. ‘Cultural genealogy, more so than ordinary genealogy, depends on a belief in the magical and usually divine auspices of lineage. ‘
What does under the aegis mean?
Protected or sponsored by, as in The fund drive for the new field is under the aegis of the Rotary Club, or He was admitted to the club under the auspices of Mr. Leonard. The first term comes from Greek myth, where the aegis was the protective shield of Zeus.
How do you get Auspiced?
THE AUSPICING PROCESS Therefore an individual, partnership, group or unincorporated organisation (auspicee) must work with an incorporated auspicing organisation (auspicor) to apply for funding. The auspicor will be required to complete and submit the application form in consultation with the auspicee.
What does it mean when something is anthropomorphic?
Definition of anthropomorphic 1 : described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes anthropomorphic deities stories involving anthropomorphic animals. 2 : ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things anthropomorphic supernaturalism anthropomorphic beliefs about nature.
What is the meaning ofauspice?
aus·pice. (ô′spĭs) n. pl. aus·pi·ces (ô′spĭ-sĭz, -sēz′) 1. also auspices Protection or support; patronage. 2. A sign indicative of future prospects; an omen: Auspices for the venture seemed favorable. 3. Observation of and divination from the actions of birds.
What does auspice mean in Grant Management?
Auspice In a funding context, an auspice is an organisation who manages grant funding on your behalf. For example, a small community group with limited resources may use a larger Not-for-Profit Organisation as their auspice. The larger NFP will receive and manage the grant funding, with the community group undertaking the actual project work.
What is the meaning of “under the auspices of”?
(ˈoːspisiz) : under the auspices of arranged or encouraged by (a society etc).
How do I approach an organisation to be my auspice?
When approaching an organisation to be your auspice, it’s a good idea to: Have a good working relationship before applying for funding. For more tips on structuring your grants and improving your grant applications, take a look at our Grant Resources.