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What is another synonym for spread?

What is another synonym for spread?

1 unfold, unroll, expand. 10 emit, diffuse, radiate. 11 disperse, scatter, publish, circulate, promulgate, propagate. 15 stretch, dilate. 24 reach, compass.

What is another word for spread information?

Disseminate means to spread information, knowledge, opinions widely. Semin- derives from the Latin word for seed; the idea with disseminate is that information travels like seeds sown by a farmer.

What is another word for Spread over?

What is another word for spread over?

suffuse imbue
diffuse interject
introduce spread
spread throughout tinge
spread through spread out

What does it mean when something spreads?

1a : to become dispersed, distributed, or scattered. b : to become known or disseminated panic spread rapidly. 2 : to grow in length or breadth : expand. 3 : to move apart (as from pressure or weight) : separate.

What is the meaning of out spread?

to spread out; extend: an eagle outspreading its wings. adjective. spread out; stretched out: outspread arms. diffused abroad; widely disseminated: The outspread news had traveled quickly.

What is the synonym and antonym of spread?

circularise, unfold, pass around, overspread, disseminate, spread out, broadcast, open, fan out, scatter, circularize, go around, propagate, circulate, disperse, distribute, diffuse. Antonyms: unextended, unprepared, concentrated, collect, gather, garner, pull together.

What’s another word for spread quickly?

What is another word for spread quickly?

spring proliferate
multiply propagate
bourgeon burgeon
develop expand
flourish grow

What means spread out?

Definition of spread out 1 : to open, arrange, or place (something) over a large area He spread out the map on the table. He spread the cards out on the table. The cards were spread out across the table. 2 : to be open, arranged, or extended over a large area The city is spread out over a wide area.

What means to spread throughout?

2 to extend or cause to extend over a larger expanse of space or time. the milk spread all over the floor, the political unrest spread over several years.

What is the sentence of spread?

“She likes to spread jam on her toast.” “Unfortunately cancer had spread all over her body.” “The odor had spread across the room.” “The virus can be spread by contact.”

What is past form of spread?

The past tense of spread is spread. Spreaded is a rare, nonstandard variant of spread. Most people view spreaded as an error.

What is a reader spread?

When you are designing a multi-page book in InDesign or another page layout program, and you have your layout set for facing pages, you will see the left hand and right hand pages side by side. This is considered a “reader spread”. What are Printer Spreads?

What is a printer spread on a signature?

These pages, sixteen and one, and four and five are called the “printer spread”. On the backside of the signature, you will find pages three and fourteen on the left hand side, with two and fifteen on the right hand side.

What is the difference between printer spread and sequential order?

For example, if you’re editing an 8-page booklet, the pages appear in sequential order in the layout window. However, in printer spreads, page 2 is positioned next to page 7, so that when the two pages are printed on the same sheet, folded, and collated, the pages end up in the appropriate order.

Why is page 2 next to page 7 in printer spreads?

However, in printer spreads, page 2 is positioned next to page 7, so that when the two pages are printed on the same sheet, folded, and collated, the pages end up in the appropriate order. Pages appear in sequence in the layout window, but are printed in a different order so that they appear correct when folded and bound.