
What is frontal-subcortical circuits?

What is frontal-subcortical circuits?

Abstract. Frontal-subcortical circuits form the principal network, which mediate motor activity and behavior in humans. Five parallel frontal-subcortical circuits link the specific areas of the frontal cortex to the striatum, basal ganglia and thalamus.

What are subcortical circuits?

The cortical–subcortical loop describes a class of distinct, parallel circuits that connect specific regions of cerebral cortex with the basal ganglia and specific thalamic nuclei. The thalamic nuclei complete the loop by projecting back to the same regions of cortex from which the circuits originate.

Where is the frontal-subcortical?

These frontal–subcortical circuits originate from the supplementary motor area, frontal eye field, dorsolateral prefrontal region, lateral orbitofrontal region and anterior cingulate portion of the frontal cortex.

What does the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex do?

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has been found to be involved in superordinate control functions for various cognitive tasks such as decision making, novelty detection, working memory, conflict management, mood regulation, theory of mind processing, and timing.

What are subcortical symptoms?

Clinically subcortical dementia usually is seen with features like slowness of mental processing, forgetfulness, impaired cognition, lack of initiative-apathy, depressive symptoms (such as anhedonia, negative thoughts, loss of self-esteem and dysphoria), loss of social skills along with extrapyramidal features like …

What structures are in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex?

The DLPFC has connections with the orbitofrontal cortex, as well as the thalamus, parts of the basal ganglia (specifically, the dorsal caudate nucleus), the hippocampus, and primary and secondary association areas of neocortex (including posterior temporal, parietal, and occipital areas).

What is subcortical affect?

Subcortical dementias includes those diseases which predominantly affects the basal ganglia along with features of cognitive decline. Diseases such as progressive supranuclear palsy, Huntington’s chorea and Parkinson’s disease are different in many features from the other cortical dementias like Alzheimer’s disease.

Is frontotemporal dementia subcortical?

Cerebral subcortical atrophy occurs in both Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) but its significance for clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis between these common types of dementia has not been extensively investigated.

What is the role of subcortical regions in cognitive affective and social functions in humans?

Subcortical regions have a pivotal role in cognitive, affective, and social functions in humans, and the structural and functional abnormalities of the regions have been associated with various psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, the right thalamic volume was significantly correlated with social function scores.

What are the symptoms associated with a lesion in a dorsolateral prefrontal cortex?

Damage to dorsomedial PFC (particularly the ACC) has been associated with the inability to detect errors, difficulty with resolving stimulus conflict, emotional instability, inattention, and abulia or akinetic mutism (Devinsky et al., 1995; Posner and DiGirolamo, 1998) (Fig. 5).

What is the function of the frontal subcortical circuit?

Conclusions.\\p=m-\\Frontal-subcorticalcircuits mediate many aspectsof human behavior. (ArchNeurol.1993;50:873-880) Thefrontal lobesplayacritical roleinhumanbehavior, andsomeof themostdramatic neurobehavioralsyn¬ dromesareassociated with frontal lobedysfunction. Regional specializationwithinthe frontal lobeisrecog¬

What are the five circuits of the frontal cortex?

FRONTAL-SUBCORTICAL CIRCUITS Fivecircuitsarecurrently recognized:amotorcircuit originatinginthesupplementarymotor area,anoculomo¬ torcircuitwithoriginsinthe frontal eyefields,and three circuitsoriginatinginprefrontalcortex(dorsolateralpre¬ frontal cortex, lateral orbital cortex, andanteriorcingulate

What are the clinical syndromes observed with frontal lobe injury?

Clinicalsyndromes observed with frontal lobeinjuryarerecapitulatedwith le- sions of subcortical memberstructuresof the circuits. Each prefrontalcircuit hasasignaturebehavioralsyndrome:ex- ecutive function deficitsoccurwith lesions of the dorsolat- eralprefrontalcircuit,disinhibition with lesions of theor-