
What is HPV9?

What is HPV9?

HPV 9-valent vaccine is used in girls and young women ages 9 through 45 to prevent cervical/vaginal/anal cancers or genital warts caused by certain types of HPV. HPV 9-valent vaccine is also used in boys and young men ages 9 through 45 to prevent anal cancer or genital warts caused by certain types of HPV.

Is the HPV9 vaccine safe?

The HPV vaccine will not treat an existing HPV infection or associated anogenital warts, cancers or precancerous lesions. Is the HPV9 vaccine safe? The HPV vaccine is very safe and effective. It was carefully tested and evaluated before receiving approval by Health Canada.

Who should get HPV9?

Who should get the HPV vaccine? All people ages 9 to 45 can get the HPV vaccine to protect against genital warts and/or different types of HPV that can cause cancer. It’s recommended that children get the vaccine at age 11 or 12, so they’re fully protected years before they become sexually active.

How many doses is HPV9?

A two-dose series (0, 6-12 months) for most persons who initiate vaccination at ages 9 through 14 years. A three-dose series (0, 1-2, 6 months) for persons who initiate vaccination at ages 15 through 45 years, and for immunocompromised persons.

Can you get HPV by kissing?

The short answer is maybe. No studies have shown a definitive link between kissing and contracting human papillomavirus (HPV). However, some research does suggest that open-mouth kissing could make HPV transmission more likely.

Can you get HPV vaccine if you had HPV?

Yes. Even if you already have one strain of HPV , you could still benefit from the vaccine because it can protect you from other strains that you don’t yet have. However, none of the vaccines can treat an existing HPV infection.

What if I miss my second HPV shot?

If your child has the first dose of the vaccine as part of the free program but misses the second dose, they will need to ‘catch up’ this dose. Your local school immunisation provider will usually contact you if a dose has been missed.

Do you have HPV for life?

Depending on the type of HPV that you have, the virus can linger in your body for years. In most cases, your body can produce antibodies against the virus and clear the virus within one to two years. Most strains of HPV go away permanently without treatment.

How does a man know if he has HPV?

Unfortunately, there are no commercial tests available to detect HPV in men. However, an anal Pap test is sometimes used in gay, bisexual, or HIV-positive men who are at an exponentially increased risk of anal cancer. Its usefulness in other men is uncertain at best. The same applies to tests used to detect oral HPV in women and men.

What does HPV look like on a man?

When symptoms of HPV are present, they are often invisible to the untrained eye, especially without magnification. In some cases, genital warts never appear or can appear years after contracting the virus. When visible warts do appear, they typically appear as flesh-toned or gray growths. They can be raised or flat.

How does HPV affect people?

But in some cases, having HPV can increase your risk of developing precancerous or cancerous cells in your cervix, which could affect both your fertility and your ability to carry a baby to term. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection, affecting as many as 75 percent of American women and men of reproductive age.

What is HPV 16 and 18?

HPV 16 is the most common high-risk type of HPV and usually doesn’t result in any noticeable symptoms, even though it can bring about cervical changes. It causes 50 percent of cervical cancers worldwide. HPV 18 is another high-risk type of HPV. Like HPV 16, it doesn’t typically cause symptoms, but it can lead to cervical cancer.