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What is HW stand for?

What is HW stand for?

HW means “Homework” and “Hardware.”

What that means LMAO?

Lmao is an abbreviation of the phrase “laughing my ass off. It is used to indicate that something is funny.

What can fun stand for?

Finally Understanding Nothing (Gary Busey quotation) FUN. Financial Underwriters Network. FUN.

What does fun mean in texting?

Finally Understanding Nothing

What are better words for fun?

Synonyms foramusing.enjoyable.entertaining.lively.pleasant.boisterous.convivial.merry.

Is funnest a word in the dictionary?

Funner and funnest have seen usage as real words for over a century, but neither are formally entered in the dictionary (yet). Some folk find it fun to use the word fun as an adjective.

What is the weirdest word?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words. Gobbledygook. Scrumptious. Agastopia. Halfpace. Impignorate. Jentacular. Nudiustertian.

Is YEET a word?

But yeet isn’t actually a nonsense word, that’s just how most people use it. So yeet is a word that means “to throw,” and it can be used as an exclamation while throwing something. It’s also used as a nonsense word, usually to add humor to an action or verbal response.

Is Ain’t a word?

The word ain’t is a contraction for am not, is not, are not, has not, and have not in the common English language vernacular. In some dialects ain’t is also used as a contraction of do not, does not, and did not. The usage of ain’t is a continuing subject of controversy in English.

Is Ain’t correct English?

Ain’t is a perfectly valid word, but today, ain’t is considered nonstandard. At worst, it gets stigmatized for being “ignorant” or “low-class.” At best, it’s considered a no-no in formal writing.

How did ain’t become a word?

Ain’t was originally the proper contraction for am not. 1706, originally a contraction of am not, and in proper use with that sense until it began to be used as a generic contraction for are not, is not, etc., in early 19c.

Is Ain’t in the dictionary now?

“Ain’t” and 10,000 other new entries have made it into the newest edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. It’s not the first dictionary to print the word, which has long appeared in unabridged dictionaries as well as Webster’s New World Dictionary. But most identify it as substandard or slang.

Is Ain’t a Scrabble word?

Yes, ain is a valid Scrabble word.

How do you say ain t?

6:39Suggested clip · 42 secondsHow to use the word AIN’T in English (slang lesson) – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

How do you spell aunt?

Well, actually, ‘aunty’ and ‘auntie’ are just informal versions of the word ‘aunt’, and so both are okay to use.

Is Aunt an English word?

Meaning of aunt in English. the sister of someone’s father or mother, or the wife of someone’s uncle or aunt: I have an aunt in Australia.

What’s the difference between aunt and Auntie?

As nouns the difference between auntie and aunt is that auntie is while aunt is a sister or sister-in-law of someone’s parent.