
What is long storage type in Stata?

What is long storage type in Stata?

Numbers are stored as byte, int, long, float, or double, with the default being float. byte, int, and long are said to be of integer type in that they can hold only integers. Strings are stored as str#, for instance, str1, str2, str3, , str2045, or as strL.

What does long mean in Stata?

Storage types

byte integer values between -127 and 100
long integer values between -2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,620
float real numbers (i.e. numbers with decimal places) with about 8 digits of accuracy
double real numbers (i.e. numbers with decimal places) with about 16 digits of accuracy

What is a long string variable?

Like numeric variables, string variables can have labels, and missing value declarations, although missing string values cannot be longer than 8 characters. Strings can be up to 32767 characters long. STRING defines a variable of length 5 and RECODE uses that variable as a target destination.

How long can string variables be in Stata?

2-billion characters
Stata can store strings up to 2-billion characters long and can store strings containing binary information, including binary 0 (\0).

What does double mean in Stata?

If the identification numbers are integers and take 9 digits or less, store them as longs; otherwise, store them as doubles. doubles have 16 digits of accuracy. Stata stores numbers in binary, and this has a second effect on numbers less than 1.

What is short data type?

short: The short data type is a 16-bit signed two’s complement integer. It has a minimum value of -32,768 and a maximum value of 32,767 (inclusive). As with byte , the same guidelines apply: you can use a short to save memory in large arrays, in situations where the memory savings actually matters.

What is the difference between string and long?

Long is for integer numbers. Double is for real numbers (i.e. numbers which have decimal points in them!). (They can have up to around 12 significant figures.) The String type is for character strings (like names etc).

What dim long?

Long Variable Type The VBA Long data type is used to store very long data values (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648). It can only store whole numbers (with no decimal places). To declare an Long variable, you use the Dim Statement (short for Dimension): 1. Dim lngA as Long.

Why do we need to Destring?

destring is designed for situations in which you have a string variable, typically containing meaningful numeric text (e.g., 1, 2), which you wish to convert to the numeric variable it should properly be. Usually, that variable is now string because of some mistake.

How to change the storage type of variables in Stata?

The storage type of variables can be changed with the help of the recast command. Here, numeric variables can be changed to a different numeric type, and string variables to a different string type (i.e. different string length). will ask Stata to change the storage type of variable income to “long”.

Why are the strings in Stata 18-characters long?

The strings are not all 18-characters long: 1. 2. All str18 means is that the variable cannot hold a string longer than 18 characters. Even that is unimportant because Stata automatically promotes str# variables to be longer when required: The string-variable storage types are str1, str2., str2045, and strL. strL?

What is the difference between “Byte” and “double” in Stata?

Similarly, “byte” size of numeric value would waste storage if it is saved as “double”. Once the data is entered into STATA, it automatically defines the storage type of the data. However, sometimes the variables which have numerical value is taken as string variable.

How do I change the storage type of a variable?

The storage type of variables can be changed with the help of the recast command. Here, numeric variables can be changed to a different numeric type, and string variables to a different string type (i.e. different string length).