Common questions

What is Matrix CO2?

What is Matrix CO2?

The Matrix CO2 Fractional Laser Therapy helps minimize wrinkles, sun damage, discoloration, and scarring all while helping increase collagen production through its revolutionary fractionated CO2 technology.

What is a matrix laser?

The Matrix IR™ is a non–invasive treatment that does not require injections. The laser stimulates the patient’s own collagen to remodel and does not rely on a temporary substance filler.

What is Matrix RF?

Matrix RF (Sublative RF) effectively treats wrinkles, red and brown spots and textural irregularities by targeting the selected skin areas via a grid of tiny matrix spots. RF stands for Radio Frequency. With this treatment, RF energy is precisely directed to tiny spots on selected areas of the skin.

When do you stop using aquaphor after CO2 laser?

On day 4, you may stop using the Aquaphor and allow your skin to breath. You may change to a bland, fragrance free moisturizer lotion or cream once the skin is no longer sensitive, oozing, or raw. We recommend CeraVe Face Moisturizer.

What is Matrix IR?

Matrix IR™ is a non-invasive procedure used to help reduce facial wrinkles to create a younger and more relaxed appearance. This treatment can help reduce frown lines, crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, marionette lines and other facial wrinkles by stimulating collagen production and therefore tightening the skin.

Can you do RF on eyes?

Radiofrequency treatment for dry eyes also treats the oil glands along the edges of your eyelids where you find the eyelashes. Treating these glands alleviates some of the symptoms of the condition. Also, it will improve the appearance of wrinkles and facial lines, in addition to improving your skin tone.

What is the skin matrix?

The extracellular connective tissue matrix of the skin is a complex aggregate of distinct collagenous and non-collagenous components. Optimal quantities and delicate interactions of these components are necessary to maintain normal physiologic properties of skin.

Why do vinegar soaks after CO2 laser?

Ways to Speed Healing: o Re-apply frequently as needed to maintain a continuous layer on your skin • Soak the treated skin with a plain white vinegar solution 4 to 8 times each day. o You can’t soak too much. Soaking reduces redness and speeds healing! Do not pick, rub, scrub or irritate your skin while it is healing.

What does vinegar do after laser?

You may need to soak areas of crusting with vinegar gauze. Vinegar soaked gauze placed on the area also helps to reduce itching. 4. Use the vinegar wash at least 4-6 times a day the first 2-3 days while you may be swollen and your skin sensitive.

When does peeling start after CO2 laser?

Skin peeling is expected after fractional laser treatments. This is the old superficial layer of skin peeling off to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Peeling usually starts about 3 days post treatment and is gone by 7 to 10 days.

What is silk Microneedling?

Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) also known as Microneedling is a skin-rejuvenation procedure in which the top layer of the skin gets penetrated by tiny needles. This controlled method of injuring the skin then triggers the skin to heal itself, resulting in smoother, firmer and more even looking skin.