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What is Neighborhood area network in smart grid?

What is Neighborhood area network in smart grid?

The NAN is defined as a utility’s last-mile, outdoor access network that connects smart meters and distribution automation devices to wide-area network (WAN) gateways such as RF collectors or data concentrators and field devices.

What is Neighbourhood area network?

A neighborhood area network (NAN) is an offshoot of Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless local area networks (WLAN), which enable users to connect to the Internet quickly and at very little expense. A NAN is generally installed by an individual to serve a family or a number of neighbors.

What is WAN in smart grid?

Wide Area Network, WAN WAN supports real-time monitoring, control and protection of the state of the smart grid. It also provides communication links for the smart grid backbone and covers long distances from FAN to the control center. These Wide-area functionalities involve high data rates and shorter response times.

What is the function of communication network in smart grid?

In the context of smart grids, the key priorities of this communication network are: (a) to ensure reliable and real-time data collection from an enormous number of widely dispersed data sources, and (b) to support the various communication services (e.g., multicast and group communications) that are needed by power …

What is local area networks?

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computers or other devices interconnected within a single, limited area, typically via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

What is home area network with example?

Think about a home where computers, printers, game systems and tablets, smartphones, other smart appliances are connected to each other through wired or wireless over a network is an example of Home Area Network. Infrastructure of HAN : A modem is used which is provided by an ISP to expose Ethernet to WAN.

What is required for wide area network?

Service components include the following: Redundant core network infrastructure. Redundant high capacity access to the Internet. All equipment required to interface service with customer LAN. IP addresses for each device.

What is the speed of wide area network?

Comparing WAN Vs. LAN Vs. MAN

With a WAN, you can get lower speeds of data transfer of 10-20 Mbps. With a LAN, you can get higher speeds of data transfer with 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (high speed). With a MAN, you can get speeds of data transfer up to 100 Mbps.

Which network is the backbone for all smart grid access networks?

the enterprise network to remote areas, bringing the data from the access networks back to the enterprise. Includes both wired and wireless point-to-point and point-to-multipoint broadband systems, fiber and microwave systems. These backhaul networks will form the backbone for all Smart Grid access networks.

What is an example of wide area network?

WAN, the popular word in network, refer to wide area network, is a network which is used to connect different local area networks (LAN). There may be used many router to connect large amount of LANs. The big example of wide area network is internet. On internet we transfer files from one computer to other.

What is a LAN address?

LAN means Local Area Network. Furthermore, this would be the network inside your home or business that connects your shared resources and Internet connection. Therefore, the most common LAN IP address configurations are in the 192.168. xxx. To clarify, they would be called your Internal IP addresses.