
What is reflexology and how does it work?

What is reflexology and how does it work?

Reflexology aims to relieve stress as prolonged exposure to stress causes the body to lower its immune defenses. By lowering stress the body is able to repair environmental damage and defend itself against illnesses. Another benefit of reflexology is its high level of safety. There are no medicines or drugs to take for the treatment to work.

What is the difference between acupressure and reflexology?

Interestingly, the hands and feet only have 30 pressure points and one meridian point on the bottom of the feet. Reflexology, on the other hand, has reflex maps for the feet, hands, and even the ears which corresponds to organs and body parts. Reflex maps do not necessarily match meridian points used in acupressure.

How do I use a reflexology hand chart?

Refer to the reflexology hand chart for reference to the body part or area you would like to focus on. Start by rubbing your thumb on your palm in wide circles starting from the center of the palm and working your way to the edges. Using a straight motion, rub your thumb pad starting from the knuckles all the way to the wrist.

What is the difference between Korean hand acupuncture and American hand reflexology?

The main difference between Korean hand acupuncture and American hand reflexology lies is the differing hand microsystems used. A microsystem links small well-defined areas of the body, such as the ear, hand and foot and ear, to all organs and parts of the body.

Reflexologists postulate that reflexology helps release stress, which in turn helps the body heal and regenerate itself. There are several theories about how this process work. Theory #1: Reflexology works with the central nervous system.

Can a reflexologist feel energy move?

Practitioners and clients may feel energy move. A reflexologist may feel the energy move from a point of pressure on feet, hands or ears throughout body. For example, when working on the spleen and gall bladder points, the practitioner can access the points at the same time and feel a flow of energy.

What is an eye point in reflexology?

In reflexology theory, every organ, valve, muscle, etc. that lies within a zone can be accessed via a point or area on the feet or hands. For example, working between toes 2 and 3, or fingers 2 and 3, the eye point is found.

What is zone theory in reflexology?

The recognition of reflexology as a specific type of treatment began with Zone Theory, in which the body is divided into 10 vertical zones. Each zone corresponds to fingers and toes all the way up to the top of the head.

Reflexology practitioners rely on the reflexes map of the feet and hands to all the internal organs and other human body parts. They believe that by applying the appropriate pressure and massage certain spots on the feet and hands, all other body parts could be energized and rejuvenated.

Why should you use reflexology chart templates for Face Massage?

If you observe carefully, you’ll notice that massaging the face can produce relaxation. That is because of the reflex areas on the face, which have been showcased in the face reflexology chart templates. It covers the area from the cheekbone to the nose. > Why Should You Use Reflexology Chart Templates?

Where are the pressure points on a foot reflexology chart?

If you didn’t know already, our foot contains numerous reflex areas. All these areas and the pressure points are portrayed on the foot reflexology chart templates. These cover the entire area from the sole of the foot to the lateral section. The medial section is also covered here.