
What is RPAL boxing program?

What is RPAL boxing program?

Teams such as Little League and Bobby Sox baseball teams were some of the first teams to benefit from the funds and Police Officer participation was limited to occasional coaching. In 1993, three Officers decided to expand the level of involvement and launched the RPAL Boxing Program.

What is the difference between the PAL and RPAL courses?

The PAL course includes 8 hours of instructional time, with a written and practical exam on the second days. The RPAL course includes 6 hours of instructional time, with a written and practical exam on the second day. Most courses are held over the weekend, but other arrangements can be made for interested groups.

Who is bnabna associates?

BNA Associates is a Nashville, TN based real estate development company founded in 2009 that targets real estate projects that have unique competitive advantages in their respective markets. BNA focuses on hotels, restaurants, multifamily, retail, and mixed use projects.

How much does it cost to apply for the RPAL?

The application fee is $60. If you apply for the RPAL at the same time, the combined application fee is $80. If you hold a PAL already and wish at a future date to apply for your RPAL the application fee is $80.