Common questions

What is the base color for Multicam?

What is the base color for Multicam?

The base layer consists of four colours, which are both ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ edged, whilst the top layer consists of “droppings” of two contrasting colours. The colours themselves are a dark brown, an earth brown, desert pink, khaki, medium green, and light grey. Thanks to for this information.

Can you mix DuraCoat colors?

Yes. All DuraCoat® colors can be intermixed. With a handful of standard DuraCoat® colors, you can create an infinite number of colors by blending them.

What colors are used in MultiCam Black?

The MultiCam® Black pattern was developed to meet the unique requirements of law enforcement officers operating in high-risk environments….MutliCam Black uses the following color scheme:

  • Gray 206; CMYK: 72 60 67 63; HEX: #2B312C.
  • Olive 205; CMYK: 66 57 73 60; HEX #34362A.
  • Black 207; CMYK: 75 68 67 90; #000000.

What colors are in black MultiCam Cerakote?

Colors Used

  • HAZEL GREEN. H-204.
  • SIG™ DARK GREY. H-210.

Can you DuraCoat over spray paint?

Overall, the answer to your question is “yes.” Duracoat will absolutely adhere to a previous DuraCoat application.

What colors make up MultiCam arid?

MultiCam Arid Colour palette: olive, highland, light tan, urban tan, and light coyote.

What is a MultiCam® pattern?

THE MULTICAM® FAMILY OF CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS IS DESIGNED TO HELP THE WEARER HIDE IN VARIED ENVIRONMENTS, SEASONS, ELEVATIONS, AND LIGHT CONDITIONS. The MultiCam® patterns were developed to provide maximum effectiveness across diverse operating environments with a minimum logistical burden.

What is MultiCam black™?

MultiCam Black™: While not a geographically-based pattern, MultiCam Black™ gives law enforcement groups a sharp and authoritative presence suited to domestic L.E. operations where projecting a strong and distinct image is a critical concern.

Can I wear a MultiCam® vest and pack in the desert?

Similarly, a MultiCam® vest and pack can be paired with a MultiCam Arid™ uniform for activity within an open sand and rock desert.