
What is the best bait to trap voles?

What is the best bait to trap voles?

peanut butter
The best bait for voles includes bread and butter, small nuts, cherry pits, oatmeal, sunflower or similar seeds, mixed peanut butter and oatmeal or gumdrops. When baiting vole traps, make sure you put the bait in and around the trap.

How do I permanently get rid of voles?

Voles can be removed humanely from a yard by using live traps, or they can be exterminated with mouse traps or bait traps (which use poisons). They can also be deterred by fencing and driven away with vole repellents.

How do you find a vole nest?

Voles can be found throughout North America in dense grassy fields, gardens, meadows, woodlands, along lakes and rivers and in agricultural areas. Voles make their nests in underground burrows around tree roots, ground cover and beneath fruit trees.

How much does it cost to get rid of voles?

Most homeowners pay between $500 and $600 for vole extermination. The initial home inspection is between $150 and $250 and the follow-up visit and treatment usually costs $350. Because voles both burrow and reproduce rapidly, it’s easy for an infestation to grow out of control in a short amount of time.

How do I keep voles from eating my plants?

Cut back brush, mow, weed, and create a clean space. Remove woodpiles and hiding places for voles from near your garden, shrubs, and trees. Keep your lawn mowed and bushes trimmed up from the ground. Avoid putting dense mulch too close to trees and shrubs.

What kind of trap do you use for a vole village?

These extended vole villages wreak havoc on your landscape and gardens where there are thick layers of mulch. One of the best tips for vole trapping is to use a live vole trap that has small openings, such as the Havahart® X-Small 2-Door Trap.

How do you trap a vole without food?

Give voles a taste of what’s inside by adding a small amount of bait before the trap entrances. Voles cannot survive very long without access to food and they can become anxious, overheated and vunerable to preadators. Check your trap often – a vole should never be trapped for a long period of time.

How to get rid of voles in your yard?

However, if you wish to add extra incentive, consider the following tips: Use a sticky, spreadable bait like peanut butter to ensure it will not move or get stolen. In a 2-door trap, place a small amount of bait directly onto the trigger plate to encourage a vole to step on and activate it.

How often should you check your vole traps?

If you are catching only one vole per trap at a time, the large population voles tend to live in demand large numbers of traps. Place traps where you can easily check them. You need to check each trap daily, so don’t camouflage your traps so well that you forget where they are, and leave a single dead vole in there for weeks on end.