
What is the best custom search plugin for WordPress?

What is the best custom search plugin for WordPress?

SearchWP is one of the best custom search plugin for WordPress. It is very easy to use and the search results are relatively more accurate. It allows searches for your keyword in post/page title, content, slug, categories, tags, taxonomies, excerpts, and even comments.

How to add a search feature to your WordPress website?

The second approach is for the search plugin to offer its own search feature, which you can typically add to your site using a dedicated widget, shortcode, or HTML code snippet. The advantage of this approach is that the plugin can add its own features to the search box, which can help you create a more user-friendly search feature.

What is the best way to optimize your WordPress search?

First, some plugins still use the native WordPress search widget – the plugin just replaces what’s happening “behind the scenes”. Here are the main advantages of this approach: These plugins also integrate seamlessly with the Elementor Search widget. The plugin will optimize behind-the-scenes, but you can still use Elementor on the front-end.

How to add a category drop down to WordPress search?

Category Wise Search plugin allows you to add a category drop down to WordPress search. Users can limit their search to a specific category to narrow down the results. The plugin also allows you to exclude categories from the search, and you can easily add it using a widget for your sidebar.

What is the WP extended search plugin?

Description WP Extended Search is a lightweight and powerful search plugin. With this plugin you can customize WordPress search to search in Post Meta, Author names, Categories, Tags, or Custom Taxonomies via admin settings. You can control the default behavior of WordPress to search in the post title, post content, and post excerpt.

What is the default search system available in WordPress?

The default search system available in WordPress is only capable of searching the title and the content of posts. This can limit the capabilities of your website or store. If you have an online store, your search system should be able to scan product pages and details to offer better results to customers.