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What is the lifespan of someone with Moebius syndrome?

What is the lifespan of someone with Moebius syndrome?

With continued proper medical care, individuals with Moebius syndrome , who do not have serious life threatening complications in their first year of life, usually have a normal life expectancy.

Can people with Moebius smile?

The signs and symptoms of this condition are present from birth. Weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles is one of the most common features of Moebius syndrome. Affected individuals lack facial expressions; they cannot smile, frown, or raise their eyebrows.

Is Moebius syndrome permanent?

Nerve and muscle transfers to the corners of the mouth have been performed to provide limited ability to smile. There is no cure for Moebius syndrome. In spite of the impairments that characterize the disorder, proper care and treatment give many individuals a normal life expectancy.

Who does Moebius syndrome affect?

Moebius syndrome affects males and females in equal numbers. The disorder is present at birth (congenital). The exact incidence and prevalence rates of Moebius syndrome are unknown. One estimate places the incidence at 1 case per 50,000 live births in the United States.

Does Moebius syndrome affect the brain?

Moebius syndrome is a rare, congenital (present at birth) neurological disorder. It causes weakness or paralysis of certain cranial nerves, which connect the brain to the head, neck and trunk.

How does a person get Moebius syndrome?

The primary cause of Moebius syndrome is unknown and most cases occur sporadically. While medical literature presents conflicting theories, the majority of research suggests a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. Some cases suggest an increased risk of transmitting the condition from parent to child.

Is there a cure for Moebius syndrome?

There’s no cure for Moebius syndrome, but treatments can correct or lessen some signs and symptoms. Depending on your child’s condition, your pediatrician may refer you to medical specialists, such as: Audiologists, who specialize in hearing.

Why is it called Moebius syndrome?

People with Möbius syndrome have normal intelligence, although their lack of facial expression is sometimes incorrectly taken to be due to dullness or unfriendliness. It is named for Paul Julius Möbius, a German neurologist who first described the syndrome in 1888.

Is Moebius syndrome a disability?

If you or your dependent(s) are diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome and experience any of these symptoms, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Is there a cure for Moebius Syndrome?

What does Moebius syndrome do?

Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital (present at birth) condition that results from underdevelopment of the facial nerves that control some of the eye movements and facial expressions. The condition can also affect the nerves responsible for speech, chewing and swallowing.

What is the life expectancy of someone with Moebius syndrome?

With continued proper medical care, individuals with Moebius syndrome, who do not have serious life threatening complications in their first year of life, usually have a normal life expectancy.

What are the symptoms of Moebius syndrome?

Facial paralysis affecting at least one but usually both sides of the face

  • Paralysis of lateral movement of the eyes
  • Lack of vertical movements of the eyes
  • How is Moebius syndrome diagnosed?

    The diagnosis of Moebius syndrome is based on the clinical features. Tests that may be advised include the following: Imaging tests: CT scan and MRI may be carried out to rule out any other causes of the symptoms. They may also detect calcifications in the region of the nucleus of the VI th cranial nerve.