What is the meaning of bracketing in research?
What is the meaning of bracketing in research?
Gearing (2004) explains bracketing as a ‘scientific process in which a researcher suspends or holds in abeyance his or her presuppositions, biases, assumptions, theories, or previous experiences to see and describe the phenomenon’ (p. 1430).
What is bracketing in qualitative research?
Abstract Bracketing is presented as two forms of researcher engagement: with data and with evolving findings. Bracketing typically refers to an investigator’s identi- fication of vested interests, personal experience, cultural factors, assumptions, and hunches that could influence how he or she views the study’s data.
Is bracketing used in phenomenology?
Bracketing originated within the phenomenology tradition. Although hundreds of years old (Small, 2001; Spiegelberg, 1965), phenomenology gained credence as an established philosophical movement with the publication of Husserl’s Ideas (1913/1931).
How is triangulation used in qualitative research?
Triangulation refers to the use of multiple methods or data sources in qualitative research to develop a comprehensive understanding of phenomena (Patton, 1999). Triangulation also has been viewed as a qualitative research strategy to test validity through the convergence of information from different sources.
The term bracketing has increasingly been employed in qualitative research. Although this operationalization remains vague and, often, superficial. The growing disconnection of the quent reduction to a formless technique, value stance, or black-box term. Mapping the subtle approaches prioritize different bracketing elements.
What is bracketing in psychology?
Gearing (2004) explains bracketing as a ‘scientific process in which a enon’ (p. 1430). Starks and Trinidad (2007) note that the researcher ‘must be pants’ accounts with an open mind’ (p. 1376). Within the grounded theory
Does bracketing enhance or hinder research results?
While bracketing can mitigate adverse effects of the ing findings. The opportunity for sustained in-depth reflection may enhance the results. field. Following an examination of the various definitions ascribed to the brack- bracketing, and its timing in the research process. A conceptual framework bracketing across the research trajectory.
What is bracketing mapping?
Mapping the subtle theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of bracketing will facilitate identification and delineation of core elements that compose bracketing, and distinguish how different research approaches prioritize different bracketing elements.