
What is Thinknoodles doing now?

What is Thinknoodles doing now?

He currently lives in New York with his wife, Rachelle, and their dog, Kloi.

What is Thinknoodles new dog’s name?

As of Feb 3, 2021, he revealed that he has a new dog named Kloï.

How much money does Thinknoodles have?

Thinknoodles Net Worth Thinknoodles has been so successful financially through the huge streams over the years. Justin Andrew Watkins has an estimated net worth of $8 million.

How do you get Frostiggy in Piggy?

Frostiggy is a skin in Piggy and the bot of Winter Holiday. It was released as part of the Winter Holiday Hunt alongside the mysterious Snowpiggy Traps, purchasable skin Reindessa and unlockable skin Primrose. Beating the map will unlock the skin.

What animal is Laura in Piggy?

Laura is a gray lemur.

What happened to thinknoodlestoo?

The first video on the channel was uploaded on June 27th, 2013. The last video on ThinknoodlesToo was uploaded on August 6, 2015. Think re-integrated Club Penguin onto his main channel on July 9, 2015.

What kind of games does thinknoodles play?

He is mainly known for playing Minecraft (IGN: RealThinknoodles), ROBLOX (IGN: ImNotThinknoodles), Club Penguin, Pokémon, Poptropica (Username: Thinknoodles), and Webkinz (Username: Rleong) which he no longer does.

What happened to thinknoodles’ Club Penguin videos?

Think re-integrated Club Penguin onto his main channel on July 9, 2015. Since Thinknoodles has stopped making Club Penguin party walkthroughs and gameplay videos, he’s missed a lot of the events. Here is a list of the events he has missed.

Why did thinknoodles change his channel name?

His channel slowly evolved from a channel for insiders to a channel about himself, therefore decided to change the name to “Thinknoodles”. ThinknoodlesToo is Justin’s second channel, which uploads Club Penguin videos. It was formed when many of his Minecraft fans and Club Penguin fans started arguing.