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What was the temperature today in Cornwall?

What was the temperature today in Cornwall?

Seven day forecast for St Ives (Cornwall)

Time 00:00 17:00
Temperature in degrees Celsius 12°
Feels like temperature °C
Feels like temperature in degrees Celsius
Wind direction and speed mph Choose wind speed units mph km/h knots m/s Beaufort

Is weather better in Devon or Cornwall?

The weather is always better in Cornwall, too. When rain sweeps in from the Atlantic, Cornwall often emerges in sunshine while clouds get snagged over soggy Devon. It’s also far easier to chase the sun in Cornwall. If sea fog descends on the north coast, you often just need to nip over to the Lizard to find blue skies.

What is the hottest part of Cornwall?

For those living in Bude, the town gets to take solace in the fact it is statistically the hottest place in the whole of Cornwall – boasting what has been dubbed its very own ‘micro-climate’. Bodmin Moor on the other hand – just thirty miles away – gets the crown for being the rainiest place in all of Cornwall.

Does Cornwall get good weather?

The weather for most of Cornwall is often pretty predictable – cloudy, mizzly and grey. Or so people would think. But there are two places in the Duchy which seem to boast consistent weather results – no matter what the county-wide forecast is.

Where is the best weather in Cornwall?

Earlier this month a spokesperson for the Met Office explained why Bude often enjoys the highest temperatures in Cornwall. In light of this, we went to visit the north-east seaside town – to find out if it really does boast the hottest temperatures – from the people who are there to experience them.

Which coast of Cornwall has the best weather?

Earlier this month a spokesperson for the Met Office explained why Bude often enjoys the highest temperatures in Cornwall. In light of this, we went to visit the north-east seaside town – to find out if it really does boast the hottest temperatures – from the people who are there to experience them.