
Which area code is 94?

Which area code is 94?

Telephone numbers in Sri Lanka

Country calling code +94
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

What is the international phone code for Ireland?

Ireland/Dialing codes

How do I make a phone call to Ireland?

For example, for the local number 028 123 4567, a visitor would need to dial 00 44 28 123 4567 on a foreign phone). If calling Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland, replace the prefix code 028 with the code 048.

What is a +353 number?

Republic of Ireland
353 is also the country code for telephone numbers in the Republic of Ireland.

Which country code is 93?

Telephone numbers in Afghanistan

Type closed
Access codes
Country calling code +93
International call prefix 00

Which country has this code +95?

Myanmar Country Code 95 – Worldometer.

How do I phone Ireland from UK?

How to Call Ireland from the UK

  1. Dial the international call prefix. For calls from the UK this is 00 (or ‘+’ from mobile phones).
  2. Dial the country code for Ireland – 353.
  3. Dial the number of the person/business, omitting the first zero if there is one.

How do you write your mobile number with country code Ireland?

Numbers should be dialled as follows: 00 – country code – area code – local number . All mobile phones and some VoIP services also support the international E. 164 number format, so a + may be optionally used instead of 00 .

What is an 076 number in Ireland?

Special numbers

Code Allocation
048 Northern Ireland access
020 91 Dummy numbers reserved for drama, film and television use to avoid accidental clashes with real telephone numbers.
076 VoIP services (due to be phased out)
080 Mailbox for landline users (formerly access code for Northern Ireland)

How do I dial southern Ireland?

Dial the international call prefix (00/+), the Ireland country code (353), the area code without the 0 and finally the subscriber number, e.g., 00-353-1-XXXXXXX or +353-1-XXXXXXX.

What is the international dialling country code for Ireland?

The international dialling country code for the Republic of Ireland is 353 and for Northern Ireland is 44. To call a phone in Ireland from outside Ireland please dial the following sequence: *Drop the first zero from the area code.

How do I call Ireland from outside the country?

The international dialling country code for the Republic of Ireland is 353 and for Northern Ireland is 44. To call a phone in Ireland from outside Ireland please dial the following sequence: International Access Code + Country Code + area code* + phone number. *Drop the first zero from the area code.

What is the country code for Ireland on Rebtel?

Ireland country code: +353 Find your Ireland dialling codes: We’ve listed all the codes for Ireland here for your convenience, whether you’re with Rebtel or just looking to make an international call.

How do I dial a Northern Irish number?

For example to dial an Northern Irish number 028 1234 5678 dial as follows: From UK & Europe: 00 44 28 1234 5678 From USA & canada: 011 44 28 1234 5678 From Australia: 0011 44 28 1234 5678 From New Zealand: 00 44 28 1234 5678