
Who is the chief of Ngati Porou?

Who is the chief of Ngati Porou?

Rāpata Wahawaha
Ngāti Porou leader Rāpata Wahawaha opposed the Pai Mārire religion and sided with the government against its followers. He was later presented with a ceremonial sword by Queen Victoria for services to the Crown during the New Zealand Wars.

What is the waka for Ngati Porou?

We of Ngati Porou claim that when Maui fished up the North Island, his waka “Nukutaimemeha” was cradled on the top of our ancestral mountain –Hikurangi, where it still rests today in te roto o Hine Takawhiti.

How many hapu are there in Ngati Porou?

Our communities are tight knit, and are centred around the 48 marae, and 58 hapu groupings within our area.

What is Ngati Porou mountain?

Hikurangi is the sacred mountain of Ngāti Porou, and was said to be the first piece of land to emerge when Māui fished up the North Island. According to tradition, Māui’s canoe, Nukutaimemeha, remains stranded on the mountain peak. Hikurangi was acquired by the Crown in the 1870s and became a state forest park.

Where is Ngati Porou from?

The homeland of Ngāti Porou is the most easterly region in the North Island. It runs north along the coast from Te Toka-a-Taiau at Gisborne, to Pōtikirua, inland from Hicks Bay. Mt Hikurangi is the tribal mountain, and the most important river is Waiapu, an ancient name also found on the Pacific island of Tahiti.

Where did Ngati Porou come from?

Who was Porourangi?

Porourangi was a very tapu (sacred) person and like his great-grandfather Pouheni before him, virtually everything he touched became tapu. Porourangi was married to Hamo-terangi who hailed from Tūranga (Gisborne) and was part of the Ikaroa-a-Rauru migration that settled in the Kaiti area.

What is the biggest tribe in NZ?

Ngāpuhi is the largest tribe in New Zealand. Their territory stretches from the Hokianga Harbour to the Bay of Islands, and to Whangārei in the south.

Where are the Ngāti Porou located?

Tribal boundaries and resources The Ngāti Porou homeland is the most easterly region of the North Island. It sits inside the two canoe boundaries of Horouta and Tākitimu. The traditional Horouta canoe territory is from Te Taumata-ō-Apanui in the north to Paritū in the south, then inland to Ngāti Ruapani territory and to Waikaremoana.

Who were the Ngati Porou ki Hauraki who gave the land?

A few months later the land gift was taken up by Makoare, Henare Nawaia, Tamati Tawhiri and Te Mokena, chiefs of Te Aitanga a Mate. Notwithstanding the more recent relationship with the tuku whenua givers, Ngati Porou ki Hauraki have an ancient link to the land by virtue of Whakapapa.

What is the area over which Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora exercises kaitiakitanga?

The area over which Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 has yet to be confirmed. Contact information for marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion.

Is Harataunga ki Mataora an iwi authority?

Represents Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora as an “iwi authority” for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991. The Trust Board recognises that there are other Iwi entities in Hauraki who also qualify as iwi authorities for the purposes of resource management.