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Can high triglycerides cause stomach problems?

Can high triglycerides cause stomach problems?

High triglyceride levels usually do not cause symptoms. Very high levels of can cause: Belly pain. Nausea and vomiting—from acute pancreatitis.

How do you feel when your triglycerides are very high?

Another warning sign of very high triglycerides is a condition called acute pancreatitis. Symptoms include sudden severe belly pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing. Alcohol can trigger an attack of pancreatitis, and if you have high triglycerides, alcohol can shoot them up even higher.

What happens if your triglycerides are over 400?

High triglycerides may contribute to hardening of the arteries or thickening of the artery walls (arteriosclerosis) — which increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Extremely high triglycerides can also cause acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

What happens when your triglycerides are over 1000?

Triglyceride levels greater than 1000 mg/dL increase the risk of acute pancreatitis, and because triglycerides are so labile, levels of 500 mg/dL or greater must be the primary focus of therapy. If a patient also has a high risk for a cardiovascular event, LDL-lowering therapy should be considered.

Can triglycerides cause death?

Compared to patients with low triglycerides, patients with the highest triglyceride levels (>500 mg/dL) had 68% greater risk of death over the 22 year span. Based on findings, authors conclude that triglycerides alone have a big impact on mortality risk for patients with heart disease.

What level of triglycerides causes pancreatitis?

A serum triglyceride level of more than 1000 to 2000 mg / dl is the identifiable risk factor. It typically presents as an episode of acute pancreatitis or recurrent acute pancreatitis.

What are the symptoms of high triglyceride levels (triglycerides)?

High triglyceride levels do not cause symptoms directly, and individuals will only show symptoms related to the cause of high triglyceride levels, such as hypothyroidism or liver disease. Extremely high triglycerides (>400 mg/dL or 4.5 mmol/L) may cause yellowish patches on the skin (xanthomas) [ 53 ].

Do high triglycerides make you feel sick?

They may go away once triglyceride levels are lowered. Pancreatitis. Another warning sign of very high triglycerides is a condition called acute pancreatitis. Symptoms include sudden severe belly pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing.

Can high triglycerides cause pancreas inflammation?

Extremely high triglycerides can also cause acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). High triglycerides are often a sign of other conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, including obesity and metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that includes too much fat around the waist,…

What should I do if I have high triglycerides?

The National Cholesterol Education Program advises that everyone have a lipid profile every five years starting at age 20. If you have any warning signs of very high triglycerides, talk to your doctor. If your blood test shows high triglycerides you may be able to lower them with diet and exercise.