Helpful tips

Can you have mature trees planted?

Can you have mature trees planted?

You can transplant mature trees either in fall or in late winter/early spring. The tree transplant has the best chance of success if you act during these periods. Only transplant mature trees after the leaves fall in autumn or before bud break in spring.

Can jacaranda trees grow in Canberra?

Good examples of this species can be seen in many home gardens and as street trees. Canberra and has grown extremely well. It is obviously well suited to the climate. These resemble the leaves of some Acacias and the Jacaranda-well known in milder climates-but which is frost tender in Canberra.

What is a semi mature tree?

Semi-mature trees are defined by the British Standards Institution and HTA as:- “Trees with an overall height in excess of 4 metres and or a stem girth measurement (circumference) of 20 centimetres or larger.” They will have been transplanted several times and are likely to be more than 10-15 years old.

What fruit trees do well in Canberra?

We also have Canberra’s biggest range of Fruit and Nut trees – Apples, Stone fruit, Figs, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Feijoas, you name it! All can be successfully grown in Canberra’s harsh and changeable climate. We go to great lengths seeking out unusual, hard to find and Heritage Varieties.

Can I plant a large tree in my garden?

You don’t need permission to plant even the biggest tree but think carefully about where you are planting it. While most trees growing near buildings cause no damage, in some cases subsidence and structural damage can be linked to tree roots, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Can I plant tall trees in my garden?

In general, there is no specific limit to the height that a tree is allowed to grow, but if the trees form a vegetative screen that is limiting a neighbours usage/enjoyment then it could be a High Hedge issue which Planning Enforcement would potentially get involved with.

What does a jacaranda tree look like?

Jacaranda branches are arched, forming a canopy shaped like an upturned umbrella. The jacaranda tree makes an excellent shade (or street) tree with its fern-like leaves that can grow up to 20 inches in length. It is a fast-growing tree in a tropical environment, gaining about ten feet a year in its first years of life.

Are flame trees native to Australia?

Spectacular in bloom, Australian flame trees are native to seasonal rainforests of eastern Australia. Reaching heights of 110 feet (33.5 meters), they top the canopy with a glorious blaze of fiery scarlet.

What is considered to be a mature tree?

Mature tree means a tree whose trunk measures thirty (30) inches in circumference or more at twenty-four (24) inches above grade for a standard tree form, or the equivalent cross sectional area of trunks for multi-trunked trees.

What size is a mature tree?

Small Tree: 12 – 30 feet tall. Medium Tree: 30 – 50 feet tall. Large Tree: over 50 feet tall. (keep in mind that some of the tallest trees are over 200 feet)

Can olive trees grow in Canberra?

Some oil producing varieties of olives suited to the Canberra climate include ‘Frantoio’, ‘Correggiola’ and ‘Leccino’. Table varieties include ‘Manzanillo’, ‘Sevillano’and ‘Californian Queen’. Plant in a sunny aspect with neutral soil pH and good drainage.

Can you grow cherry trees in Canberra?

To consider growing cherry trees, you will need to plan for annual netting days, or else you will just be growing the fruit for visiting birds. The cherry also needs excellent drainage so that limits many in the Canberra region. Lapins is a good late-season cherry.

What are the best flowering trees in Canberra?

AKA the flowering crabapple has an abundance of flowers in late spring and red fruit in autumn. It is an ideal tree for small gardens, large pots and courtyards. Steve loves the weeping variety, it’s one of the best flowering trees for small Canberra yards.

Why choose Canberra tree services?


What is a regulated tree and do I need approval?

These trees are called Regulated Trees and require approval for pruning and removal. Before you begin pruning any Regulated Tree you will need to consult a qualified arborist and may need to complete a Tree Damaging Activity Form.

What are my rights if a tree falls on my property?

If the tree has caused damage to your property you may be able to claim damages. If a tree is in sound condition but falls over or drops limbs because of a weather event it is considered an act of god. For further information about your rights regarding trees visit: Transport Canberra & City Services